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Organization Settings

Organization settings can be reached by clicking the user profile icon in the top-right corner of the screen. This icon will typically be represented by your first initial. The sub-menu that appears will have a link for Organization Settings.

Organization Settings is broken up into three tabs:


General provides information on organization identifiers and owners, as well as a list of projects managed by the organization.

Organization Information

This section displays the organization name, organization ID, owner ID, and Create Date.

To change an organization name, delete the name in the name field and then save changes. This will change how the organization is named across all projects.


All projects created and managed by the organization will appear under this section. Clicking the "gear" icon will take you to the Project Settings page for that project.


All Pangea users belonging to this organization will appear under this section.

Inviting new users

The invite button can be used to invite additional users to the organization. This is the only product area where additional Org Admins can be invited.

This invite flow will allow admins to invite users to any and all projects simultaneously, rather than inviting them to each project individually.

For details on user roles, see User Management.

Pending invites

This section will show pending user invites that have been sent to the users but not yet accepted.

To resend an invite, click the right-facing arrow at the end of the line.

To delete an invite click the circled minus symbol.

Removing members

Removing a member can be done by clicking the circled minus symbol at the end of the project member listing.


Removing an Org member from this screen will remove them from all Pangea projects. To remove them from a single project, go to Project Settings

Balance & Usage

Payment methods and payment histories are managed at the organization level. For details, visit Billing.

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