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Securathon Showdown Winners 🏆

Oliver Friedrichs
Oliver Friedrichs

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Pangea Securathon Showdown hosted on Devpost! I was blown away by the 470+ registrants and the distinctive collection of projects that users submitted in just 6 short weeks. Your contributions creatively covered solutions to a broad set of real-world business problems and demonstrated just how easy it is to add security to new and existing apps. The Pangea Secureathon not only served as a platform for competition but also as a learning experience for all involved!

Our judging panel included our Co-founder and CTO Sourabh Satish, our Chief Product Officer Rob Truesdell, Developer Advocate Pranav Shikarpur, and myself! Participants were judged based on product thinking, project completeness, functionality, wow factor, delivery of presentation, completeness of the article, driving impact, UI/UX, and a deep commitment to enhancing cyber security. Let’s get into our favorite submissions:

The grand prize winner was the project called “Ghost” submitted by Aadarsh Kannan. Aadarsh built a cutting-edge AI chatbot that leverages Pangea’s Redact, Sanitize, and Secure Share services to keep users from unknowingly leaking sensitive information. You can watch his explainer video and learn all about his detailed project submission including his future plans to turn Ghost into a Chrome extension here.

We decided to go with 4 Runner-up prizes for this Securathon and here are the winning entries in no particular order:

  • EASYCODE: A no-code platform from Swarnalatha Neeruvai that enables users to swiftly design, build, and deploy Pangea APIs for their applications, reducing development time and leveraging built-in security audit tools to help users produce safer applications. Watch the explainer video and find the GitHub repo here.

  • FundStart: An application from Oliver Otchere, Amo Abbew, and Sandra Okwuoha that empowers entrepreneurs and investors to access funds, track investor interest, manage their portfolios, and navigate the fundraising process with ease. 7 different Pangea services were used including AuthN, Redact, Embargo, File Intel, Secure Audit Log, User Intel, and Vault. Watch the explainer video and learn all about it here.

  • Pangea Secure AI: This project from Sharon Brizinov and Amit Ripshtos featured an AI secure platform that protects users, companies, and employees from leaking sensitive data while using their favorite AI chatbots. This project leveraged the Pangea services Secure Audit Log, AuthN and Redact. Read the full project submission including the amazing dashboard here.

  • Pangea Google Classroom Protector: This project was born from William Cheung’s desire to keep his kids safe when using Google Classroom and be protected from accessing malicious links and files, especially at home after school. Read all about how he used Vault, URL Intel and File intel to accomplish his goal by checking out his full submission here.

  • Our winner for best feedback goes to Hong Tran! We appreciate your detailed notes and how you documented your experience for us to learn from to make Pangea even better.

All of our amazing participants: we appreciate your time, efforts, and submissions and want to thank you sincerely for all you have done. You can see all of the other great submissions here and if you haven’t already make sure to check out all of Pangea’s comprehensive API-based security services that enable you to create a safe app experience and accelerate your time-to-market.

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