Rob Truesdell
VP, Products
Product Updates - February 29th, 2024
User Import, with support of importing Password Hashes
Onboarding your users is the hardest part of changing identity providers. With Pangea’s new Hashed Password Import capability, you can import your users with their existing passwords seamlessly. At their next authentication, they’ll be prompted for a new password and their account will be activated in seconds.
WebAuthn / Passkeys
With this release, we’re excited to announce general availability of passkeys for all accounts. Passkeys are a replacement for passwords and are a standard-based technology protected by the biometrics or PIN of your device. Unlike passwords, they are resistant to phishing, are always strong, and are designed so that there are no shared secrets. They simplify account registration for apps and websites, are faster to sign in with, easier to use, and much more secure.
Integrated Service Auditing
With integrated service auditing, we have extended our AuthN service to leverage our Secure Audit Service to capture every significant event within AuthN. Now you can determine who attempted to log in, at what time, what MFA options they used, and the result of the attempt. This is a key capability for AuthN to improve debugging, compliance, and overall auditing of the system as a whole.
Integrated Service Auditing
Our Vault service now also has integrated service auditing. We have extended Vault to leverage our Secure Audit Log service. Vault activity such as configuration changes, secret or key rotations, deletions, and other activity are stored in the activity log to improve debugging, compliance, and overall auditing of the system as a whole.