Overview of Embargo service
About Embargo service
The Pangea Embargo service lets developers quickly check IPs and country codes against known sanction and trade embargo lists. Developers can use the Pangea-provided lists to determine where client activity is coming from and if any special action is needed. The Pangea lists are sourced from official government entities and are kept up to date with the latest changes.
An embargo is a commercial barrier that prevents trade and commerce with a specific group or nation. There are both import embargoes and export embargoes.
A sanction is a broader term that describes restrictions, tariffs, quotas, additional license requirements, or other bans applied to nations, groups, businesses, or even individuals.
In other words, an embargo is a highly restrictive sanction restricting all trade, whereas a sanction may only limit trade or restrict specific goods and services.
Benefits of using Embargo service
When marketing a product, it is important to adhere to the rules and regulations of the country in which the product is being developed. In some cases, those regulations may be sanctions or embargoes that prevent the product from being delivered to certain countries. The Pangea Embargo service makes it very easy to check the source IP of client requests and determine whether services or goods should be provided.
For example, if a company in the United States made a product that could be downloaded and installed from its website, they'd want to ensure that nobody from a country embargoed by the US can download this product. In this case, they could use the Pangea Embargo service to determine if the client IP of a user attempting to download the product appeared on any lists and, if so, reroute the user to a page explaining the embargo and preventing the download.
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