Rob Truesdell
VP, Products
Product Updates - November 16, 2023
Domain Intel
Whois General Availability!
The Whois endpoint is now generally available and ready for use in production applications. With this API you can extract historical domain information to identify newly-created and short-lived domains that are often associated with scams, malware distribution, and phishing attacks. The data provider behind this API is WhoisXML API where over 565 million domains are tracked and over 16.7 billion Whois records are stored, all of which are accessible through this API now.
If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact us on our Discourse community. Our engineering team and several community developers are available online to respond to your inquiries.
Folder settings and inheritance
You now can apply settings like rotation policies and others at the folder level where those settings will be inherited by all of the items within the folder recursively. If the folder already has items within it, those items will inherit the folder settings. You can override inherited folder settings for each individual object within a folder by clicking the folder option next to the relevant settings.
API updates
The /update endpoint now has the reserved word inherited
for settings in the request.
The /get endpoint now has a new attribute in the response, inherited_settings
. It will contain a map: str → bool where, for each setting, it specifies if the setting is inherited or not.
"inherited_settings": {
"rotation_policy": true,
"rotation_state": false,
"expiration": false
Active Users Widget
There is now an active users widget that shows your current MAU count (MAU = monthly active users). This widget is on the main Authentication service landing page in the console. Use the time picker immediately above the MAU widget to select the time window you want to apply.