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Rob Truesdell

Product Updates - July 7, 2023

Secure Audit Log

Support for Custom Schemas

Custom Schemas

This feature unlocks a lot of use cases for Secure Audit Log, particularly for those needing to use the service for compliance purposes. Custom schemas allow you to add any field you need to your audit log, and also remove any standard fields that Pangea includes by default. You can also adjust settings of each field, such as required vs optional, and whether certain fields are visible in the audit log viewer. With this feature you can tailor the secure audit log service to fit the auditing needs of any application.

The custom schema feature pairs with the recently released multi-config feature. You can have multiple schemas in use at once, including the standard schema, by establishing multiple configs. It is important to note that once you establish a schema for a config, that schema cannot be changed.


Settings for standard rules modifiable

You can now change the redact method (replace, mask, partial mask, detect only, or hash) and replacement value on standard redact rules. Before you were only able to modify these settings on custom rules - you are now free to modify them on default rules that are part of the service. For example, if you only wanted to expose the last four digits of a social security number, that is possible now by editing the SSN rule.


SDK Updates

Version update

We’ve updated to v2 of the SDKs. This is primarily driven by the API changes necessary to support the Custom Schemas feature in Secure Audit Log, along with other minor changes that all can be viewed in the the changelogs for each of the SDKs on our github pages here:

If you are a Secure Audit Log user, it’s important to know that the SDK and API updates introduce breaking changes and we want to ensure you have the information necessary to avoid any interruptions.

What you need to know:

  • v1 of the SDK is supported and will continue to work - there are no changes required if you stay on the v1 SDK.
  • If you install v2 of the SDK, you must update your code to support the new required parameters for the /log call - this is required even if you are not using the custom schema feature.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us on our Discourse community. Our engineering team and several community developers are online to answer your questions.