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Firebase, similar to the Pangea platform, helps you develop high-quality apps, grow your user base, and focus on providing your users with your unique value proposition. Each feature works independently, and they work even better together. If you are unfamiliar with Firebase and would like to learn more, visit the Firebase site.

In this tutorial, learn how to install and utilize a combination of Pangea provided Firebase Extensions . Firebase Extensions are an easy way to add Pangea services to your Firebase app without the need to write or debug code on your own. Extensions are pre-packaged solutions designed to save development time and quickly deploy Pangea functionality into your applications hosted on Firebase. You provide the configuration parameters, such as authentication tokens, for each extension at install time. All Pangea-provided extensions are open-sourced and built on Firebase and Google Cloud products you already know. Deployment and configuration of each extension are performed in the Firebase console or the Firebase CLI, and once deployed, they require no maintenance.

Each section of this tutorial will focus on a specific Pangea service and demonstrate how to install and utilize the associated Firebase Extension. After completing the first section, Configure a Starter Project, you can follow the tutorial sequentially to implement the complete use case or skip to each section relevant to you. As the Pangea platform's capabilities increase with the addition of new services, this tutorial will also evolve to highlight the new functionality. You can refer to this multi-part series at any time to learn about new Pangea services and how they may help secure an application hosted on Firebase.

1. Configure a Starter Project

Create a sample Firebase project to install and test Pangea Extensions.

3 - 5 minutes

2. Detect Malicious Files

Automatically scan files uploaded to Cloud Storage for known malicious behavior using the File Reputation Extension.

5 - 10 minutes

3. Add Secure Audit Logging

Automatically log security critical events, such as when the File Reputation Scanning Extension detects a malicious file, and log your own custom events by writing to a known Firestore document.

5 - 10 minutes

4. Critical Document Auditing

Monitor and automatically log create, update, and deletes operations to sensitive documents in a specified Firestore Collection.

5 - 10 minutes

5. Redact Sensitive Information

Add the Redact Text Extension to remove sensitive and Personal Identifiable Information (PII) such as names, phone, credit card or social security numbers from text.

5 - 10 minutes