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Secure Share | Golang SDK


func (f *FilterList) CreatedAt() *pangea.FilterRange[string]

Only records where created_at equals this value.


func (f *FilterList) Folder() *pangea.FilterEqual[string]

Only records where the object exists in the supplied parent folder path name.


func (f *FilterList) ID() *pangea.FilterMatch[string]

Only records where id equals this value.


func (f *FilterList) Name() *pangea.FilterMatch[string]

Only records where name equals this value.


func (f *FilterList) ParentID() *pangea.FilterMatch[string]

Only records where parent_id equals this value.


func (f *FilterList) Size() *pangea.FilterRange[string]

Only records where size equals this value.


func (f *FilterList) Tags() *pangea.FilterEqual[[]string]

A list of tags that all must be present.


func (f *FilterList) Type() *pangea.FilterMatch[string]

Only records where type equals this value.


func (f *FilterList) UpdatedAt() *pangea.FilterRange[string]

Only records where updated_at equals this value.


func (f *FilterShareLinkList) AccessCount() *pangea.FilterRange[string]

Only records where access_count equals this value.


func (f *FilterShareLinkList) CreatedAt() *pangea.FilterRange[string]

Only records where created_at equals this value.


func (f *FilterShareLinkList) ExpiresAt() *pangea.FilterRange[string]

Only records where expires_at equals this value.


func (f *FilterShareLinkList) ID() *pangea.FilterMatch[string]

Only records where id equals this value.


func (f *FilterShareLinkList) LastAccessedAt() *pangea.FilterRange[string]

Only records where last_accessed_at equals this value.

func (f *FilterShareLinkList) Link() *pangea.FilterMatch[string]

Only records where link equals this value.

func (f *FilterShareLinkList) LinkType() *pangea.FilterMatch[string]

Only records where link_type equals this value.


func (f *FilterShareLinkList) MaxAccessCount() *pangea.FilterRange[string]

Only records where max_access_count equals this value.


func (f *FilterShareLinkList) TargetID() *pangea.FilterMatch[string]

Only records where target_id equals this value.


func (e *share) Buckets(ctx context.Context) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[BucketsResult], error)

Get information on the accessible buckets.

res, err := shareClient.Buckets(ctx)


func (e *share) Delete(ctx context.Context, input *DeleteRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[DeleteResult], error)

Delete object by ID.

input := &share.DeleteRequest{
	ID: "pos_3djfmzg2db4c6donarecbyv5begtj2bm"

res, err := shareClient.Delete(ctx, input)

Create a folder

func (e *share) FolderCreate(ctx context.Context, input *FolderCreateRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[FolderCreateResult], error)

Create a folder, either by name or path and parent_id.

input := &share.FolderCreateRequest{
	Metadata: share.Metadata{
		"created_by": "jim",
		"priority": "medium",
	ParentID: "pos_3djfmzg2db4c6donarecbyv5begtj2bm",
	Folder: "/",
	Tags: share.Tags{"irs_2023", "personal"},

res, err := shareClient.FolderCreate(ctx, input)

Get an object

func (e *share) Get(ctx context.Context, input *GetRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[GetResult], error)

Get object.

input := &share.GetRequest{
	ID: "pos_3djfmzg2db4c6donarecbyv5begtj2bm",

res, err := shareClient.Get(ctx, input)

Get archive

func (e *share) GetArchive(ctx context.Context, input *GetArchiveRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[GetArchiveResult], error)

Get an archive file of multiple objects.

input := &share.GetArchiveRequest{
	Ids: []string{"pos_3djfmzg2db4c6donarecbyv5begtj2bm"},

res, err := shareClient.GetArchive(ctx, input)


func (e *share) List(ctx context.Context, input *ListRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[ListResult], error)

List or filter/search records.

input := &share.ListRequest{}

res, err := shareClient.List(ctx, input)

Upload a file

func (e *share) Put(ctx context.Context, input *PutRequest, file *os.File) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[PutResult], error)

Upload a file.

input := &share.PutRequest{
	TransferMethod: pangea.TMmultipart,
	Metadata: share.Metadata{
		"created_by": "jim",
		"priority": "medium",
	ParentID: "pos_3djfmzg2db4c6donarecbyv5begtj2bm",
	Folder: "/",
	Tags: share.Tags{"irs_2023", "personal"},

file, err := os.Open("./path/to/file.pdf")
if err != nil {
	log.Fatal("Error opening file: %v", err)

res, err := shareClient.Put(ctx, input, file)

Request upload URL

func (e *share) RequestUploadURL(ctx context.Context, input *PutRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[PutResult], error)

Request an upload URL.

input := &share.PutRequest{
	TransferMethod: pangea.TMpostURL,
	CRC32C: "515f7c32",
	SHA256: "c0b56b1a154697f79d27d57a3a2aad4c93849aa2239cd23048fc6f45726271cc",
	Size: 222089,
	Metadata: share.Metadata{
		"created_by": "jim",
		"priority": "medium",
	ParentID: "pos_3djfmzg2db4c6donarecbyv5begtj2bm",
	Folder: "/",
	Tags: share.Tags{"irs_2023", "personal"},

res, err := shareClient.RequestUploadURL(ctx, input)
func (e *share) ShareLinkCreate(ctx context.Context, input *ShareLinkCreateRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[ShareLinkCreateResult], error)

Create a share link.

authenticator := share.Authenticator{
	AuthType: share.ATpassword,
	AuthContext: "my_fav_Pa55word",

link := share.ShareLinkCreateItem{
	Targets: []string{"pos_3djfmzg2db4c6donarecbyv5begtj2bm"},
	LinkType: "download",
	Authenticators: []Authenticator{authenticator},

input := &share.ShareLinkCreateRequest{
	Links: []share.ShareLinkCreateItem{link},

res, err := shareClient.ShareLinkCreate(ctx, input)
func (e *share) ShareLinkDelete(ctx context.Context, input *ShareLinkDeleteRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[ShareLinkDeleteResult], error)

Delete share links.

input := &share.ShareLinkDeleteRequest{
	Ids: []string{"psl_3djfmzg2db4c6donarecbyv5begtj2bm"},

res, err := shareClient.ShareLinkDelete(ctx, input)
func (e *share) ShareLinkGet(ctx context.Context, input *ShareLinkGetRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[ShareLinkGetResult], error)

Get a share link.

input := &share.ShareLinkGetRequest{
	ID: "psl_3djfmzg2db4c6donarecbyv5begtj2bm",

res, err := shareClient.ShareLinkGet(ctx, input)
func (e *share) ShareLinkList(ctx context.Context, input *ShareLinkListRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[ShareLinkListResult], error)

Look up share links by filter options.

input := &share.ShareLinkListRequest{}

res, err := shareClient.ShareLinkList(ctx, input)
func (e *share) ShareLinkSend(ctx context.Context, input *ShareLinkSendRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[ShareLinkSendResult], error)

Send share link(s).

res, err := client.ShareLinkSend(ctx, &share.ShareLinkSendRequest{
	Links: []share.ShareLinkSendItem{
			Id:    link.ID,
			Email: "",
	SenderEmail: "",
	SenderName:  "Sender Name",

Update a file

func (e *share) Update(ctx context.Context, input *UpdateRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[UpdateResult], error)

Update a file.

input := &share.UpdateRequest{
	ID: "pos_3djfmzg2db4c6donarecbyv5begtj2bm",
	Folder: "/",
	RemoveMetadata: share.Metadata{
		"created_by": "jim",
		"priority": "medium",
	RemoveTags: share.Tags{"irs_2023", "personal"},

res, err := shareClient.Update(ctx, input)

Type ArchiveFormat

type ArchiveFormat string
type ArchiveFormat string

Type Authenticator

type Authenticator struct

AuthenticatorType `json:"auth_type"`
string `json:"auth_context"`
type Authenticator struct {
	AuthType	AuthenticatorType	`json:"auth_type"`	// An authentication mechanism
	AuthContext	string			`json:"auth_context"`	// An email address, a phone number or a password to access share link

Type AuthenticatorType

type AuthenticatorType string
type AuthenticatorType string

Type Bucket

type Bucket struct

bool `json:"default"`
string `json:"id"`
string `json:"name"`
[]pangea.TransferMethod `json:"transfer_methods"`
type Bucket struct {
	Default		bool			`json:"default"`	// If true, is the default bucket.
	ID		string			`json:"id"`		// The ID of a share bucket resource.
	Name		string			`json:"name"`		// The bucket's friendly name.
	TransferMethods	[]pangea.TransferMethod	`json:"transfer_methods"`

Type BucketsResult

type BucketsResult struct

[]Bucket `json:"buckets"`
type BucketsResult struct {
	Buckets []Bucket `json:"buckets"`	// A list of available buckets.

Type Client

type Client interface

func(ctx context.Context) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[BucketsResult], error)

Get information on the accessible buckets.

func(ctx context.Context, input *FolderCreateRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[FolderCreateResult], error)
func(ctx context.Context, input *DeleteRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[DeleteResult], error)
func(ctx context.Context, input *GetRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[GetResult], error)
func(ctx context.Context, input *PutRequest, file *os.File) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[PutResult], error)
func(ctx context.Context, input *UpdateRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[UpdateResult], error)
func(ctx context.Context, input *ListRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[ListResult], error)
func(ctx context.Context, input *GetArchiveRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[GetArchiveResult], error)
func(ctx context.Context, input *ShareLinkCreateRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[ShareLinkCreateResult], error)
func(ctx context.Context, input *ShareLinkGetRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[ShareLinkGetResult], error)
func(ctx context.Context, input *ShareLinkListRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[ShareLinkListResult], error)
func(ctx context.Context, input *ShareLinkDeleteRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[ShareLinkDeleteResult], error)
func(ctx context.Context, input *ShareLinkSendRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[ShareLinkSendResult], error)
func(ctx context.Context, input *PutRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[PutResult], error)

Base service methods

type Client interface {
	// Get information on the accessible buckets.
	Buckets(ctx context.Context) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[BucketsResult], error)
	FolderCreate(ctx context.Context, input *FolderCreateRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[FolderCreateResult], error)
	Delete(ctx context.Context, input *DeleteRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[DeleteResult], error)
	Get(ctx context.Context, input *GetRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[GetResult], error)
	Put(ctx context.Context, input *PutRequest, file *os.File) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[PutResult], error)
	Update(ctx context.Context, input *UpdateRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[UpdateResult], error)
	List(ctx context.Context, input *ListRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[ListResult], error)
	GetArchive(ctx context.Context, input *GetArchiveRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[GetArchiveResult], error)
	ShareLinkCreate(ctx context.Context, input *ShareLinkCreateRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[ShareLinkCreateResult], error)
	ShareLinkGet(ctx context.Context, input *ShareLinkGetRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[ShareLinkGetResult], error)
	ShareLinkList(ctx context.Context, input *ShareLinkListRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[ShareLinkListResult], error)
	ShareLinkDelete(ctx context.Context, input *ShareLinkDeleteRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[ShareLinkDeleteResult], error)
	ShareLinkSend(ctx context.Context, input *ShareLinkSendRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[ShareLinkSendResult], error)
	RequestUploadURL(ctx context.Context, input *PutRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[PutResult], error)

	// Base service methods

Type DeleteRequest

type DeleteRequest struct

string `json:"id,omitempty"`
*bool `json:"force,omitempty"`
*string `json:"bucket_id,omitempty"`
type DeleteRequest struct {

	ID		string	`json:"id,omitempty"`		// The ID of the object to delete.
	Force		*bool	`json:"force,omitempty"`	// If true, delete a folder even if it's not empty. Deletes the contents of folder as well.
	BucketID	*string	`json:"bucket_id,omitempty"`	// The bucket to use, if not the default.

Type DeleteResult

type DeleteResult struct

int `json:"count"`
type DeleteResult struct {
	Count int `json:"count"`	// Number of objects deleted.

Type FileFormat

type FileFormat string
type FileFormat string

Type FilterList

type FilterList struct

Just allowed to filter by folder now

type FilterList struct {
	folder		*pangea.FilterEqual[string]
	createdAt	*pangea.FilterRange[string]
	id		*pangea.FilterMatch[string]
	name		*pangea.FilterMatch[string]
	parentId	*pangea.FilterMatch[string]
	size		*pangea.FilterRange[string]
	tags		*pangea.FilterEqual[[]string]
	type_		*pangea.FilterMatch[string]
	updatedAt	*pangea.FilterRange[string]
type FilterShareLinkList struct

type FilterShareLinkList struct {
	id		*pangea.FilterMatch[string]
	targetId	*pangea.FilterMatch[string]
	linkType	*pangea.FilterMatch[string]
	accessCount	*pangea.FilterRange[string]
	maxAccessCount	*pangea.FilterRange[string]
	createdAt	*pangea.FilterRange[string]
	expiresAt	*pangea.FilterRange[string]
	lastAccessedAt	*pangea.FilterRange[string]
	link		*pangea.FilterMatch[string]

Type FolderCreateRequest

type FolderCreateRequest struct

string `json:"name,omitempty"`
*string `json:"file_ttl,omitempty"`
string `json:"parent_id,omitempty"`
string `json:"folder,omitempty"`
*string `json:"bucket_id,omitempty"`
type FolderCreateRequest struct {

	Name		string		`json:"name,omitempty"`		// The name of an object.
	FileTTL		*string		`json:"file_ttl,omitempty"`	// Duration until files within this folder are automatically deleted.
	Metadata	Metadata	`json:"metadata,omitempty"`	// A set of string-based key/value pairs used to provide additional data about an object.
	ParentID	string		`json:"parent_id,omitempty"`	// The ID of a stored object.
	Folder		string		`json:"folder,omitempty"`	// The folder to place the folder in. Must match `parent_id` if also set.
	Tags		Tags		`json:"tags,omitempty"`		// A list of user-defined tags
	BucketID	*string		`json:"bucket_id,omitempty"`	// The bucket to use, if not the default.

Type FolderCreateResult

type FolderCreateResult struct

ItemData `json:"object"`
type FolderCreateResult struct {
	Object ItemData `json:"object"`	// Information on the created folder.

Type GetArchiveRequest

type GetArchiveRequest struct

[]string `json:"ids"`
pangea.TransferMethod `json:"transfer_method,omitempty"`
*string `json:"bucket_id,omitempty"`
type GetArchiveRequest struct {

	Ids		[]string		`json:"ids"`				// The IDs of the objects to include in the archive. Folders include all children.
	Format		ArchiveFormat		`json:"format,omitempty"`		// The format to use to build the archive.
	TransferMethod	pangea.TransferMethod	`json:"transfer_method,omitempty"`	// The requested transfer method for the file data.
	BucketID	*string			`json:"bucket_id,omitempty"`		// The bucket to use, if not the default.

Type GetArchiveResult

type GetArchiveResult struct

*string `json:"dest_url,omitempty"`
int `json:"count"`
type GetArchiveResult struct {
	DestURL	*string		`json:"dest_url,omitempty"`	// A location where the archive can be downloaded from. (transfer_method: dest-url)
	Count	int		`json:"count"`			// Number of objects included in the archive.
	Objects	[]ItemData	`json:"objects"`		// A list of all objects included in the archive.

Type GetRequest

type GetRequest struct

string `json:"id,omitempty"`
*string `json:"password,omitempty"`
pangea.TransferMethod `json:"transfer_method,omitempty"`
*string `json:"bucket_id,omitempty"`
type GetRequest struct {

	ID		string			`json:"id,omitempty"`			// The ID of the object to retrieve.
	Password	*string			`json:"password,omitempty"`		// If the file was protected with a password, the password to decrypt with.
	TransferMethod	pangea.TransferMethod	`json:"transfer_method,omitempty"`	// The requested transfer method for the file data.
	BucketID	*string			`json:"bucket_id,omitempty"`		// The bucket to use, if not the default.

Type GetResult

type GetResult struct

ItemData `json:"object"`
*string `json:"dest_url,omitempty"`
type GetResult struct {
	Object	ItemData	`json:"object"`			// File information.
	DestURL	*string		`json:"dest_url,omitempty"`	// A URL where the file can be downloaded from. (transfer_method: dest-url)

Type ItemData

type ItemData struct

int `json:"billable_size"`
string `json:"created_at"`
string `json:"external_bucket_key"`
string `json:"file_ttl,omitempty"`
string `json:"file_ttl_effective,omitempty"`
string `json:"file_ttl_from_id,omitempty"`
string `json:"folder"`
string `json:"id"`
string `json:"md5"`
string `json:"name"`
string `json:"parent_id"`
string `json:"sha256"`
string `json:"sha512"`
int `json:"size"`
string `json:"type"`
string `json:"updated_at"`
type ItemData struct {
	BillableSize		int		`json:"billable_size"`			// The number of billable bytes (includes Metadata, Tags, etc.) for the object.
	CreatedAt		string		`json:"created_at"`			// The date and time the object was created.
	ExternalBucketKey	string		`json:"external_bucket_key"`		// The key in the external bucket that contains this file.
	FileTTL			string		`json:"file_ttl,omitempty"`		// The explicit file TTL setting for this object.
	FileTTLEffective	string		`json:"file_ttl_effective,omitempty"`	// The effective file TTL setting for this object, either explicitly set or inherited (see file_ttl_from_id.)
	FileTTLFromID		string		`json:"file_ttl_from_id,omitempty"`	// The ID of the object the expiry / TTL is set from. Either a service configuration, the object itself, or a parent folder.
	Folder			string		`json:"folder"`				// The full path to the folder the object is stored in.
	ID			string		`json:"id"`				// The ID of a stored object.
	MD5			string		`json:"md5"`				// The MD5 hash of the file contents. Cannot be written to.
	Metadata		Metadata	`json:"metadata,omitempty"`		// A set of string-based key/value pairs used to provide additional data about an object.
	MetadataProtected	Metadata	`json:"metadata_protected,omitempty"`	// Protected (read-only) metadata.
	Name			string		`json:"name"`				// The name of the object.
	ParentID		string		`json:"parent_id"`			// The parent ID (a folder). Blanks means the root folder.
	SHA256			string		`json:"sha256"`				// The SHA256 hash of the file contents. Cannot be written to.
	SHA512			string		`json:"sha512"`				// The SHA512 hash of the file contents. Cannot be written to.
	Size			int		`json:"size"`				// The size of the object in bytes.
	Tags			Tags		`json:"tags,omitempty"`			// A list of user-defined tags
	TagsProtected		Tags		`json:"tags_protected,omitempty"`	// Protected (read-only) flags.
	Type			string		`json:"type"`				// The type of the item (file or dir). Cannot be written to.
	UpdatedAt		string		`json:"updated_at"`			// The date and time the object was last updated.

Type ItemOrder

type ItemOrder string
type ItemOrder string
type LinkType string
type LinkType string

Type ListRequest

type ListRequest struct

*string `json:"bucket_id,omitempty"`
*bool `json:"include_external_bucket_key,omitempty"`
pangea.Filter `json:"filter,omitempty"`
string `json:"last,omitempty"`
int `json:"size,omitempty"`
type ListRequest struct {

	BucketID			*string		`json:"bucket_id,omitempty"`			// The bucket to use, if not the default.
	IncludeExternalBucketKey	*bool		`json:"include_external_bucket_key,omitempty"`	// If true, include the `external_bucket_key` in results.
	Filter				pangea.Filter	`json:"filter,omitempty"`
	Last				string		`json:"last,omitempty"`		// Reflected value from a previous response to obtain the next page of results.
	Order				ItemOrder	`json:"order,omitempty"`	// Order results asc(ending) or desc(ending).
	OrderBy				ObjectOrderBy	`json:"order_by,omitempty"`	// Which field to order results by.
	Size				int		`json:"size,omitempty"`		// Maximum results to include in the response.

Type ListResult

type ListResult struct

int `json:"count"`
string `json:"last,omitempty"`
type ListResult struct {
	Count	int		`json:"count"`		// The total number of objects matched by the list request.
	Last	string		`json:"last,omitempty"`	// Used to fetch the next page of the current listing when provided in a repeated request's last parameter.
	Objects	[]ItemData	`json:"objects"`

Type Metadata

type Metadata map[string]string
type Metadata map[string]string

Type ObjectOrderBy

type ObjectOrderBy string
type ObjectOrderBy string

Type PutRequest

type PutRequest struct

*int `json:"size,omitempty"`
*string `json:"bucket_id,omitempty"`
string `json:"crc32c,omitempty"`
string `json:"sha256,omitempty"`
string `json:"md5,omitempty"`
string `json:"name,omitempty"`
string `json:"mimetype,omitempty"`
string `json:"parent_id,omitempty"`
string `json:"folder,omitempty"`
*string `json:"file_ttl,omitempty"`
string `json:"password,omitempty"`
string `json:"password_algorithm,omitempty"`
string `json:"sha1,omitempty"`
string `json:"sha512,omitempty"`
string `json:"source_url,omitempty"`
type PutRequest struct {

	Size			*int		`json:"size,omitempty"`			// The size (in bytes) of the file. If the upload doesn't match, the call will fail.
	BucketID		*string		`json:"bucket_id,omitempty"`		// The bucket to use, if not the default.
	CRC32C			string		`json:"crc32c,omitempty"`		// The hexadecimal-encoded CRC32C hash of the file data, which will be verified by the server if provided.
	SHA256			string		`json:"sha256,omitempty"`		// The SHA256 hash of the file data, which will be verified by the server if provided.
	MD5			string		`json:"md5,omitempty"`			// The hexadecimal-encoded MD5 hash of the file data, which will be verified by the server if provided.
	Name			string		`json:"name,omitempty"`			// The name of the object to store.
	Format			*FileFormat	`json:"format,omitempty"`		// The format of the file, which will be verified by the server if provided. Uploads not matching the supplied format will be rejected.
	Metadata		Metadata	`json:"metadata,omitempty"`		// A set of string-based key/value pairs used to provide additional data about an object.
	MimeType		string		`json:"mimetype,omitempty"`		// The MIME type of the file, which will be verified by the server if provided. Uploads not matching the supplied MIME type will be rejected.
	ParentID		string		`json:"parent_id,omitempty"`		// The parent ID of the object (a folder). Leave blank to keep in the root folder.
	Folder			string		`json:"folder,omitempty"`		// The path to the parent folder. Leave blank for the root folder. Path must resolve to `parent_id` if also set.
	FileTTL			*string		`json:"file_ttl,omitempty"`		// The TTL before expiry for the file.
	Password		string		`json:"password,omitempty"`		// An optional password to protect the file with. Downloading the file will require this password.
	PasswordAlgorithm	string		`json:"password_algorithm,omitempty"`	// An optional password algorithm to protect the file with. See symmetric vault password_algorithm.
	SHA1			string		`json:"sha1,omitempty"`			// The hexadecimal-encoded SHA1 hash of the file data, which will be verified by the server if provided.
	SHA512			string		`json:"sha512,omitempty"`		// The hexadecimal-encoded SHA512 hash of the file data, which will be verified by the server if provided.
	SourceURL		string		`json:"source_url,omitempty"`		// The URL to fetch the file payload from (for transfer_method source-url).
	Tags			Tags		`json:"tags,omitempty"`			// A list of user-defined tags

Type PutResult

type PutResult struct

ItemData `json:"object"`
type PutResult struct {
	Object ItemData `json:"object"`
type ShareLinkCreateItem struct

[]string `json:"targets"`
string `json:"expires_at,omitempty"`
*int `json:"max_access_count,omitempty"`
string `json:"title,omitempty"`
string `json:"message,omitempty"`
string `json:"notify_email,omitempty"`
type ShareLinkCreateItem struct {
	Targets		[]string	`json:"targets"`			// List of storage IDs
	LinkType	LinkType	`json:"link_type,omitempty"`		// Type of link
	ExpiresAt	string		`json:"expires_at,omitempty"`		// The date and time the share link expires.
	MaxAccessCount	*int		`json:"max_access_count,omitempty"`	// The maximum number of times a user can be authenticated to access the share link.
	Authenticators	[]Authenticator	`json:"authenticators,omitempty"`	// A list of authenticators
	Title		string		`json:"title,omitempty"`		// An optional title to use in accessing shares.
	Message		string		`json:"message,omitempty"`		// An optional message to use in accessing shares.
	NotifyEmail	string		`json:"notify_email,omitempty"`		// An email address
	Tags		Tags		`json:"tags,omitempty"`			// A list of user-defined tags
type ShareLinkCreateRequest struct

[]ShareLinkCreateItem `json:"links"`
type ShareLinkCreateRequest struct {

	Links	[]ShareLinkCreateItem	`json:"links"`
type ShareLinkCreateResult struct

[]ShareLinkItem `json:"share_link_objects"`
type ShareLinkCreateResult struct {
	ShareLinkObjects []ShareLinkItem `json:"share_link_objects"`
type ShareLinkDeleteRequest struct

*string `json:"bucket_id,omitempty"`
[]string `json:"ids"`
type ShareLinkDeleteRequest struct {

	BucketID	*string		`json:"bucket_id,omitempty"`	// The bucket to use, if not the default.
	Ids		[]string	`json:"ids"`
type ShareLinkDeleteResult struct

[]ShareLinkItem `json:"share_link_objects"`
type ShareLinkDeleteResult struct {
	ShareLinkObjects []ShareLinkItem `json:"share_link_objects"`
type ShareLinkGetRequest struct

string `json:"id"`
type ShareLinkGetRequest struct {

	ID	string	`json:"id"`	// The ID of a share link.
type ShareLinkGetResult struct

ShareLinkItem `json:"share_link_object"`
type ShareLinkGetResult struct {
	ShareLinkObject ShareLinkItem `json:"share_link_object"`
type ShareLinkItem struct

string `json:"id"`
string `json:"bucket_id"`
[]string `json:"targets"`
string `json:"link_type"`
int `json:"access_count"`
int `json:"max_access_count"`
string `json:"created_at"`
string `json:"expires_at"`
*string `json:"last_accessed_at,omitempty"`
string `json:"title,omitempty"`
string `json:"message,omitempty"`
string `json:"link"`
string `json:"notify_email,omitempty"`
type ShareLinkItem struct {
	ID		string		`json:"id"`				// The ID of a share link.
	BucketID	string		`json:"bucket_id"`			// The ID of a share bucket resource.
	Targets		[]string	`json:"targets"`			// List of storage IDs
	LinkType	string		`json:"link_type"`			// Type of link
	AccessCount	int		`json:"access_count"`			// The number of times a user has authenticated to access the share link.
	MaxAccessCount	int		`json:"max_access_count"`		// The maximum number of times a user can be authenticated to access the share link.
	CreatedAt	string		`json:"created_at"`			// The date and time the share link was created.
	ExpiresAt	string		`json:"expires_at"`			// The date and time the share link expires.
	LastAccessedAt	*string		`json:"last_accessed_at,omitempty"`	// The date and time the share link was last accessed.
	Authenticators	[]Authenticator	`json:"authenticators,omitempty"`	// A list of authenticators
	Title		string		`json:"title,omitempty"`		// An optional title to use in accessing shares.
	Message		string		`json:"message,omitempty"`		// An optional message to use in accessing shares.
	Link		string		`json:"link"`				// A URL to access the file/folders shared with a link.
	NotifyEmail	string		`json:"notify_email,omitempty"`		// An email address
	Tags		Tags		`json:"tags,omitempty"`			// A list of user-defined tags
type ShareLinkListRequest struct

*string `json:"bucket_id,omitempty"`
pangea.Filter `json:"filter,omitempty"`
string `json:"last,omitempty"`
int `json:"size,omitempty"`
type ShareLinkListRequest struct {

	BucketID	*string			`json:"bucket_id,omitempty"`	// The bucket to use, if not the default.
	Filter		pangea.Filter		`json:"filter,omitempty"`
	Last		string			`json:"last,omitempty"`		// Reflected value from a previous response to obtain the next page of results.
	Order		*ItemOrder		`json:"order,omitempty"`	// Order results asc(ending) or desc(ending).
	OrderBy		*ShareLinkOrderBy	`json:"order_by,omitempty"`	// Which field to order results by.
	Size		int			`json:"size,omitempty"`		// Maximum results to include in the response.
type ShareLinkListResult struct

int `json:"count"`
*string `json:"string"`
type ShareLinkListResult struct {
	Count			int		`json:"count"`	// The total number of share links matched by the list request.
	Last			*string		`json:"string"`	// Used to fetch the next page of the current listing when provided in a repeated request's last parameter.
	ShareLinkObjects	[]ShareLinkItem	`json:"share_link_objects"`
type ShareLinkOrderBy string
type ShareLinkOrderBy string
type ShareLinkSendItem struct

string `json:"id"`
string `json:"email"`
type ShareLinkSendItem struct {
	Id	string	`json:"id"`	// The ID of a share link.
	Email	string	`json:"email"`	// An email address
type ShareLinkSendRequest struct

[]ShareLinkSendItem `json:"links"`
string `json:"sender_email"`
string `json:"sender_name,omitempty"`
type ShareLinkSendRequest struct {

	Links		[]ShareLinkSendItem	`json:"links"`
	SenderEmail	string			`json:"sender_email"`		// An email address
	SenderName	string			`json:"sender_name,omitempty"`	// The sender name information. Can be sender's full name for example.
type ShareLinkSendResult struct

[]ShareLinkItem `json:"share_link_objects"`
type ShareLinkSendResult struct {
	ShareLinkObjects []ShareLinkItem `json:"share_link_objects"`

Type Tags

type Tags []string
type Tags []string

Type UpdateRequest

type UpdateRequest struct

string `json:"id"`
string `json:"folder,omitempty"`
*string `json:"bucket_id,omitempty"`
string `json:"add_password,omitempty"`
string `json:"add_password_algorithm,omitempty"`
*string `json:"file_ttl,omitempty"`
string `json:"name,omitempty"`
string `json:"remove_password,omitempty"`
string `json:"parent_id,omitempty"`
string `json:"updated_at,omitempty"`
type UpdateRequest struct {

	ID			string		`json:"id"`					// An identifier for the file to update.
	Folder			string		`json:"folder,omitempty"`			// Set the parent (folder). Leave blank for the root folder. Path must resolve to `parent_id` if also set.
	BucketID		*string		`json:"bucket_id,omitempty"`			// The bucket to use, if not the default.
	AddMetadata		Metadata	`json:"add_metadata,omitempty"`			// A list of Metadata key/values to set in the object. If a provided key exists, the value will be replaced.
	AddPassword		string		`json:"add_password,omitempty"`			// Protect the file with the supplied password.
	AddPasswordAlgorithm	string		`json:"add_password_algorithm,omitempty"`	// The algorithm to use to password protect the file.
	AddTags			Tags		`json:"add_tags,omitempty"`			// A list of Tags to add. It is not an error to provide a tag which already exists.
	FileTTL			*string		`json:"file_ttl,omitempty"`			// Set the file TTL.
	Name			string		`json:"name,omitempty"`				// Sets the object's Name.
	Metadata		Metadata	`json:"metadata,omitempty"`			// Set the object's metadata.
	RemoveMetadata		Metadata	`json:"remove_metadata,omitempty"`		// A list of metadata key/values to remove in the object. It is not an error for a provided key to not exist. If a provided key exists but doesn't match the provided value, it will not be removed.
	RemovePassword		string		`json:"remove_password,omitempty"`		// Remove the supplied password from the file.
	RemoveTags		Tags		`json:"remove_tags,omitempty"`			// A list of tags to remove. It is not an error to provide a tag which is not present.
	ParentID		string		`json:"parent_id,omitempty"`			// Set the parent (folder) of the object. Can be an empty string for the root folder.
	Tags			Tags		`json:"tags,omitempty"`				// Set the object's tags.
	UpdatedAt		string		`json:"updated_at,omitempty"`			// The date and time the object was last updated. If included, the update will fail if this doesn't match the date and time of the last update for the object.

Type UpdateResult

type UpdateResult struct

ItemData `json:"object"`
type UpdateResult struct {
	Object ItemData `json:"object"`

Type share

type share struct
type share struct {