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Audit | Golang SDK

The audit API is designed for recording a trail of application-based user activity in a scalable, tamper-proof log.


func (rp *ArweaveRootsProvider) OverrideRoots(roots map[int]Root) map[int]Root



func (rp *ArweaveRootsProvider) UpdateRoots(ctx context.Context, treeSizes []string) map[int]Root



func (ee *EventEnvelope) VerifySignature() EventVerification


func (ev EventVerification) String() string


func (i *LogEvent) SignEvent(s signer.Signer, pki map[string]string) error



func (event *SearchEvent) IsVerifiable() bool

IsVerifiable checks if a record can be verifiable with the published proof


func (ee *SearchEvent) VerifyConsistencyProof(publishedRoots map[int]Root)



func (ee *SearchEvent) VerifyMembershipProof(root *Root)



func (events SearchEvents) VerifiableRecords() SearchEvents

VerifiableRecords returns a slice of records that can be verifiable by the published proof


func (e *StandardEvent) SetTenant(tid string)



func (e *StandardEvent) Tenant() string

Download search results

func (a *audit) DownloadResults(ctx context.Context, input *DownloadRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[DownloadResult], error)

Get all search results as a compressed (gzip) CSV file.

response, err := client.DownloadResults(ctx, &audit.DownloadRequest{
	ResultID: "pas_[...]",
	Format:   audit.DFcsv,

Export from the audit log

func (a *audit) Export(ctx context.Context, input *ExportRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[struct{}], error)

Bulk export of data from the Secure Audit Log, with optional filtering.

response, err := client.Export(ctx, &audit.ExportRequest{Verbose: pangea.Bool(false)})

Log an entry

func (a *audit) Log(ctx context.Context, event any, verbose bool) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[LogResult], error)

Create a log entry in the Secure Audit Log.

event := audit.Event{
	Message: "hello world",

logResponse, err := auditcli.Log(ctx, event, true)

Log multiple entries

func (a *audit) LogBulk(ctx context.Context, events []any, verbose bool) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[LogBulkResult], error)

Create multiple log entries in the Secure Audit Log.

event := audit.Event{
	Message: "hello world",
events := []audit.Event{event}

logResponse, err := auditcli.LogBulk(ctx, events, true)

Log multiple entries asynchronously

func (a *audit) LogBulkAsync(ctx context.Context, events []any, verbose bool) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[LogBulkResult], error)

Asynchronously create multiple log entries in the Secure Audit Log.

event := audit.Event{
	Message: "hello world",
events := []audit.Event{event}

logResponse, err := auditcli.LogBulkAsync(ctx, events, true)

Log streaming endpoint

func (a *audit) LogStream(ctx context.Context, input pangea.ConfigIDer) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[struct{}], error)

This API allows 3rd party vendors (like Auth0) to stream events to this endpoint where the structure of the payload varies across different vendors.

type LogStreamEventData struct {
	ClientID     string  `json:"client_id"`
	Connection   *string `json:"connection,omitempty"`
	ConnectionID *string `json:"connection_id,omitempty"`
	Date         string  `json:"date"`
	Description  string  `json:"description"`
	IP           string  `json:"ip"`
	Strategy     *string `json:"strategy,omitempty"`
	StrategyType *string `json:"strategy_type,omitempty"`
	Type         string  `json:"type"`
	UserAgent    string  `json:"user_agent"`
	UserID       string  `json:"user_id"`

type LogStreamEvent struct {
	LogID string             `json:"log_id"`
	Data  LogStreamEventData `json:"data"`

type LogStreamRequest struct {

	Logs []LogStreamEvent `json:"logs"`

logStreamEvent := LogStreamEvent{
	LogID: "some log ID",
	Data: LogStreamEventData{
		ClientID:    "test client ID",
		Date:        "2024-03-29T17:26:50.193Z",
		Description: "Create a log stream",
		IP:          "",
		Type:        "some_type",
		UserAgent:   "AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/",
		UserID:      "test user ID",

input := LogStreamRequest{
	Logs: []LogStreamEvent{logStreamEvent},

response, err := client.LogStream(ctx, &input)

Tamperproof verification

func (a *audit) Root(ctx context.Context, input *RootInput) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[RootOutput], error)

Returns current root hash and consistency proof.

input := &audit.RootInput{
	TreeSize: pangea.Int(10),

rootResponse, err := auditcli.Root(ctx, input)

Search for events

func (a *audit) Search(ctx context.Context, input *SearchInput) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[SearchOutput], error)

Search for events that match the provided search criteria.

input := &audit.SearchInput{
	Query:                  pangea.String("message:log-123"),
	IncludeMembershipProof: pangea.Bool(true),

searchResponse, err := auditcli.Search(ctx, input)

Search results

func (a *audit) SearchResults(ctx context.Context, input *SearchResultsInput) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[SearchResultsOutput], error)

Page through results from a previous search.

input := &audit.SearchResultsInput{
	ID: "pas_sqilrhruwu54uggihqj3aie24wrctakr",

res, err := auditcli.SearchResults(ctx, input)

Type ArweaveRootsProvider

type ArweaveRootsProvider struct

type ArweaveRootsProvider struct {
	TreeName	string
	Client		*arweave.Arweave
	Roots		map[int]Root

Type Client

type Client interface

func(ctx context.Context, event any, verbose bool) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[LogResult], error)
func(ctx context.Context, event []any, verbose bool) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[LogBulkResult], error)
func(ctx context.Context, event []any, verbose bool) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[LogBulkResult], error)
func(ctx context.Context, req *SearchInput) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[SearchOutput], error)
func(ctx context.Context, req *SearchResultsInput) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[SearchResultsOutput], error)
func(ctx context.Context, req *RootInput) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[RootOutput], error)
func(ctx context.Context, input *DownloadRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[DownloadResult], error)

Get all search results as a compressed (gzip) CSV file.

func(ctx context.Context, input pangea.ConfigIDer) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[struct{}], error)

This API allows 3rd party vendors (like Auth0) to stream events to this endpoint where the structure of the payload varies across different vendors.

func(ctx context.Context, input *ExportRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[struct{}], error)

Bulk export of data from the Secure Audit Log, with optional filtering.


Base service methods

type Client interface {
	Log(ctx context.Context, event any, verbose bool) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[LogResult], error)
	LogBulk(ctx context.Context, event []any, verbose bool) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[LogBulkResult], error)
	LogBulkAsync(ctx context.Context, event []any, verbose bool) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[LogBulkResult], error)
	Search(ctx context.Context, req *SearchInput) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[SearchOutput], error)
	SearchResults(ctx context.Context, req *SearchResultsInput) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[SearchResultsOutput], error)
	Root(ctx context.Context, req *RootInput) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[RootOutput], error)

	// Get all search results as a compressed (gzip) CSV file.
	DownloadResults(ctx context.Context, input *DownloadRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[DownloadResult], error)

	// This API allows 3rd party vendors (like Auth0) to stream events to this
	// endpoint where the structure of the payload varies across different
	// vendors.
	LogStream(ctx context.Context, input pangea.ConfigIDer) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[struct{}], error)

	// Bulk export of data from the Secure Audit Log, with optional filtering.
	Export(ctx context.Context, input *ExportRequest) (*pangea.PangeaResponse[struct{}], error)

	// Base service methods

Type DownloadFormat

type DownloadFormat string
type DownloadFormat string

Type DownloadRequest

type DownloadRequest struct

string `json:"request_id,omitempty"`

ID returned by the export API.

string `json:"result_id,omitempty"`

ID returned by the search API.

Format for the records.

*bool `json:"return_context,omitempty"`

Return the context data needed to decrypt secure audit events that have been redacted with format preserving encryption.

type DownloadRequest struct {

	// ID returned by the export API.
	RequestID	string	`json:"request_id,omitempty"`

	// ID returned by the search API.
	ResultID	string	`json:"result_id,omitempty"`

	// Format for the records.
	Format	DownloadFormat	`json:"format,omitempty"`

	// Return the context data needed to decrypt secure audit events that have been redacted with format preserving encryption.
	ReturnContext	*bool	`json:"return_context,omitempty"`

Type DownloadResult

type DownloadResult struct

string `json:"dest_url"`

URL where search results can be downloaded.

type DownloadResult struct {
	// URL where search results can be downloaded.
	DestURL string `json:"dest_url"`

Type EventEnvelope

type EventEnvelope struct

any `json:"event"`

A structured record describing that did on changing it from to and the operation was , and/or a free-form .

*string `json:"signature,omitempty"`

An optional client-side signature for forgery protection. max len of 256 bytes

*string `json:"public_key,omitempty"`

The base64-encoded ed25519 public key used for the signature, if one is provided

*pu.PangeaTimestamp `json:"received_at,omitempty"`

A server-supplied timestamp.

type EventEnvelope struct {
	// A structured record describing that <actor> did <action> on <target>
	// changing it from <old> to <new> and the operation was <status>,
	// and/or a free-form <message>.
	Event	any	`json:"event"`

	// An optional client-side signature for forgery protection.
	// max len of 256 bytes
	Signature	*string	`json:"signature,omitempty"`

	// The base64-encoded ed25519 public key used for the signature, if one is provided
	PublicKey	*string	`json:"public_key,omitempty"`

	// A server-supplied timestamp.
	ReceivedAt	*pu.PangeaTimestamp	`json:"received_at,omitempty"`

Type EventVerification

type EventVerification int
type EventVerification int

Type ExportRequest

type ExportRequest struct

*DownloadFormat `json:"format,omitempty"`

Format for the records.

*string `json:"start,omitempty"`

The start of the time range to perform the search on.

*string `json:"end,omitempty"`

The end of the time range to perform the search on. If omitted, then all records up to the latest will be searched.

*string `json:"order,omitempty"`

Specify the sort order of the response, "asc" or "desc".

*string `json:"order_by,omitempty"`

Name of column to sort the results by.

*bool `json:"verbose,omitempty"`

Whether or not to include the root hash of the tree and the membership proof for each record.

type ExportRequest struct {

	// Format for the records.
	Format	*DownloadFormat	`json:"format,omitempty"`

	// The start of the time range to perform the search on.
	Start	*string	`json:"start,omitempty"`

	// The end of the time range to perform the search on. If omitted, then all
	// records up to the latest will be searched.
	End	*string	`json:"end,omitempty"`

	// Specify the sort order of the response, "asc" or "desc".
	Order	*string	`json:"order,omitempty"`

	// Name of column to sort the results by.
	OrderBy	*string	`json:"order_by,omitempty"`

	// Whether or not to include the root hash of the tree and the membership
	// proof for each record.
	Verbose	*bool	`json:"verbose,omitempty"`

Type LogBulkRequest

type LogBulkRequest struct


Base request has ConfigID for multi-config projects

bool `json:"verbose"`

If true, be verbose in the response; include root, membership and consistency proof, etc. default: false

type LogBulkRequest struct {
	// Base request has ConfigID for multi-config projects

	Events	[]*LogEvent	`json:"events"`

	// If true, be verbose in the response; include root, membership and consistency proof, etc.
	// default: false
	Verbose	bool	`json:"verbose"`

Type LogBulkResult

type LogBulkResult struct

[]LogResult `json:"results"`
type LogBulkResult struct {
	Results []LogResult `json:"results"`

Type LogEvent

type LogEvent struct

any `json:"event"`

A structured event describing an auditable activity.

*string `json:"signature,omitempty"`

An optional client-side signature for forgery protection. max len of 256 bytes

*string `json:"public_key,omitempty"`

The base64-encoded ed25519 public key used for the signature, if one is provided

type LogEvent struct {
	// A structured event describing an auditable activity.
	Event	any	`json:"event"`

	// An optional client-side signature for forgery protection.
	// max len of 256 bytes
	Signature	*string	`json:"signature,omitempty"`

	// The base64-encoded ed25519 public key used for the signature, if one is provided
	PublicKey	*string	`json:"public_key,omitempty"`

Type LogRequest

type LogRequest struct


Base request has ConfigID for multi-config projects

bool `json:"verbose"`

If true, be verbose in the response; include root, membership and consistency proof, etc. default: false

*string `json:"prev_root,omitempty"`

Previous unpublished root

type LogRequest struct {
	// Base request has ConfigID for multi-config projects


	// If true, be verbose in the response; include root, membership and consistency proof, etc.
	// default: false
	Verbose	bool	`json:"verbose"`

	// Previous unpublished root
	PrevRoot	*string	`json:"prev_root,omitempty"`

Type LogResult

type LogResult struct

map[string]any `json:"envelope"`
string `json:"hash"`

The hash of the event data. max len of 64 bytes

*string `json:"unpublished_root,omitempty"`
*string `json:"membership_proof,omitempty"`
*[]string `json:"consistency_proof,omitempty"`
type LogResult struct {
	EventEnvelope	*EventEnvelope

	RawEnvelope	map[string]any	`json:"envelope"`

	// The hash of the event data.
	// max len of 64 bytes
	Hash	string	`json:"hash"`

	UnpublishedRootHash	*string		`json:"unpublished_root,omitempty"`
	MembershipProof		*string		`json:"membership_proof,omitempty"`
	ConsistencyProof	*[]string	`json:"consistency_proof,omitempty"`
	MembershipVerification	EventVerification
	ConcistencyVerification	EventVerification
	SignatureVerification	EventVerification

Type LogSigningMode

type LogSigningMode int
type LogSigningMode int

Type Option

type Option func(*audit) error
type Option func(*audit) error

Type Root

type Root struct

string `json:"tree_name"`

The name of the Merkle Tree

int `json:"size"`

The size of the tree (the number of records)

string `json:"root_hash"`

The root hash max len of 64 bytes

*string `json:"url"`

The URL where this root has been published

*time.Time `json:"published_at"`

The date/time when this root was published

*[]string `json:"consistency_proof"`

Consistency proof to verify that this root is a continuation of the previous one

type Root struct {
	// The name of the Merkle Tree
	TreeName	string	`json:"tree_name"`

	// The size of the tree (the number of records)
	Size	int	`json:"size"`

	// The root hash
	// max len of 64 bytes
	RootHash	string	`json:"root_hash"`

	// The URL where this root has been published
	URL	*string	`json:"url"`

	// The date/time when this root was published
	PublishedAt	*time.Time	`json:"published_at"`

	// Consistency proof to verify that this root is a continuation of the previous one
	ConsistencyProof	*[]string	`json:"consistency_proof"`

Type RootInput

type RootInput struct


Base request has ConfigID for multi-config projects

int `json:"tree_size,omitempty"`

The size of the tree (the number of records)

type RootInput struct {
	// Base request has ConfigID for multi-config projects

	// The size of the tree (the number of records)
	TreeSize	int	`json:"tree_size,omitempty"`

Type RootOutput

type RootOutput struct

Root `json:"data"`
type RootOutput struct {
	Data Root `json:"data"`

Type RootsProvider

type RootsProvider interface

func(ctx context.Context, treeSizes []string) map[int]Root
func(roots map[int]Root) map[int]Root
type RootsProvider interface {
	UpdateRoots(ctx context.Context, treeSizes []string) map[int]Root
	OverrideRoots(roots map[int]Root) map[int]Root

Type SearchEvent

type SearchEvent struct


Include Event data and security information

map[string]any `json:"envelope"`
string `json:"hash"`

The record's hash len of 64 bytes

*int `json:"leaf_index"`

The index of the leaf of the Merkle Tree where this record was inserted.

*string `json:"membership_proof"`

A cryptographic proof that the record has been persisted in the log.

*bool `json:"published"`
*string `json:"fpe_context,omitempty"`

The context data needed to decrypt secure audit events that have been redacted with format preserving encryption.

type SearchEvent struct {
	// Include Event data and security information
	EventEnvelope	*EventEnvelope

	RawEnvelope	map[string]any	`json:"envelope"`

	// The record's hash
	// len of 64 bytes
	Hash	string	`json:"hash"`

	// The index of the leaf of the Merkle Tree where this record was inserted.
	LeafIndex	*int	`json:"leaf_index"`

	// A cryptographic proof that the record has been persisted in the log.
	MembershipProof	*string	`json:"membership_proof"`

	Published	*bool	`json:"published"`

	MembershipVerification	EventVerification
	ConsistencyVerification	EventVerification
	SignatureVerification	EventVerification

	// The context data needed to decrypt secure audit events that have been redacted with format preserving encryption.
	FPEContext	*string	`json:"fpe_context,omitempty"`

Type SearchEvents

type SearchEvents []*SearchEvent
type SearchEvents []*SearchEvent

Type SearchInput

type SearchInput struct


Base request has ConfigID for multi-config projects

string `json:"query"`

Natural search string; list of keywords with optional <option>:<value> qualifiers.

Query is a required field.

The following optional qualifiers are supported: * action: * actor: * message: * new: * old: * status: * target:

examples: actor:root target:/etc/shadow

string `json:"order,omitempty"`

Specify the sort order of the response. "asc" or "desc"

string `json:"order_by,omitempty"`

Name of column to sort the results by.

*time.Time `json:"start,omitempty"`

The start of the time range to perform the search on.

*time.Time `json:"end,omitempty"`

The end of the time range to perform the search on. All records up to the latest if left out.

int `json:"limit,omitempty"`

Number of audit records to include from the first page of the results.

int `json:"max_results,omitempty"`

Maximum number of results to return. min 1 max 10000

*bool `json:"verbose,omitempty"`

If true include root, membership and consistency proof

A list of keys to restrict the search results to. Useful for partitioning data available to the query string.

*bool `json:"return_context,omitempty"`

Return the context data needed to decrypt secure audit events that have been redacted with format preserving encryption.

type SearchInput struct {
	// Base request has ConfigID for multi-config projects

	// Natural search string; list of keywords with optional `<option>:<value>` qualifiers.
	// Query is a required field.
	// The following optional qualifiers are supported:
	//	* action:
	//	* actor:
	//	* message:
	//	* new:
	//	* old:
	//	* status:
	//	* target:
	// examples:
	//		actor:root target:/etc/shadow
	Query	string	`json:"query"`

	// Specify the sort order of the response. "asc" or "desc"
	Order	string	`json:"order,omitempty"`

	// Name of column to sort the results by.
	OrderBy	string	`json:"order_by,omitempty"`

	// The start of the time range to perform the search on.
	Start	*time.Time	`json:"start,omitempty"`

	// The end of the time range to perform the search on. All records up to the latest if left out.
	End	*time.Time	`json:"end,omitempty"`

	// Number of audit records to include from the first page of the results.
	Limit	int	`json:"limit,omitempty"`

	// Maximum number of results to return.
	// min 1 max 10000
	MaxResults	int	`json:"max_results,omitempty"`

	// If true include root, membership and consistency proof
	Verbose	*bool	`json:"verbose,omitempty"`

	// A list of keys to restrict the search results to. Useful for partitioning data available to the query string.
	SearchRestriction	*SearchRestriction	`json:"search_restriction,omitempty"`

	// Return the context data needed to decrypt secure audit events that have been redacted with format preserving encryption.
	ReturnContext	*bool	`json:"return_context,omitempty"`

Type SearchOutput

type SearchOutput struct

string `json:"id"`

Identifier to supply to search_results API to fetch/paginate through search results. ID is always populated on a successful response.

*time.Time `json:"expires_at"`

The time when the results will no longer be available to page through via the results API. ExpiresAt is always populated on a successful response.

int `json:"count"`

The total number of results that were returned by the search. Count is always populated on a successful response.

A list of matching audit records. Events is always populated on a successful response.

A root of a Merkle Tree

A unpublished root of a Merkle Tree

type SearchOutput struct {
	// Identifier to supply to search_results API to fetch/paginate through search results.
	// ID is always populated on a successful response.
	ID	string	`json:"id"`

	// The time when the results will no longer be available to page through via the results API.
	// ExpiresAt is always populated on a successful response.
	ExpiresAt	*time.Time	`json:"expires_at"`

	// The total number of results that were returned by the search.
	// Count is always populated on a successful response.
	Count	int	`json:"count"`

	// A list of matching audit records.
	// Events is always populated on a successful response.
	Events	SearchEvents	`json:"events"`

	// A root of a Merkle Tree
	Root	*Root	`json:"root,omitempty"`

	// A unpublished root of a Merkle Tree
	UnpublishedRoot	*Root	`json:"unpublished_root,omitempty"`

Type SearchRestriction

type SearchRestriction struct

[]string `json:"actor,omitempty"`

A list of actors to restrict the search to.

[]string `json:"source,omitempty"`

A list of sources to restrict the search to.

[]string `json:"target,omitempty"`

A list of targets to restrict the search to.

[]string `json:"action,omitempty"`

A list of actions to restrict the search to.

[]string `json:"status,omitempty"`

A list of statuses to restrict the search to.

type SearchRestriction struct {
	// A list of actors to restrict the search to.
	Actor	[]string	`json:"actor,omitempty"`

	// A list of sources to restrict the search to.
	Source	[]string	`json:"source,omitempty"`

	// A list of targets to restrict the search to.
	Target	[]string	`json:"target,omitempty"`

	// A list of actions to restrict the search to.
	Action	[]string	`json:"action,omitempty"`

	// A list of statuses to restrict the search to.
	Status	[]string	`json:"status,omitempty"`

Type SearchResultsInput

type SearchResultsInput struct


Base request has ConfigID for multi-config projects

string `json:"id"`

A search results identifier returned by the search call ID is a required field

int `json:"limit,omitempty"`

Number of audit records to include from the first page of the results.

*int `json:"offset,omitempty"`

Offset from the start of the result set to start returning results from.

If provided, fail if the original search was performed with anything but the provided search_restriction parameter.

*bool `json:"return_context,omitempty"`

Return the context data needed to decrypt secure audit events that have been redacted with format preserving encryption.

type SearchResultsInput struct {
	// Base request has ConfigID for multi-config projects

	// A search results identifier returned by the search call
	// ID is a required field
	ID	string	`json:"id"`

	// Number of audit records to include from the first page of the results.
	Limit	int	`json:"limit,omitempty"`

	// Offset from the start of the result set to start returning results from.
	Offset	*int	`json:"offset,omitempty"`

	// If provided, fail if the original search was performed with anything but the provided search_restriction parameter.
	AssertSearchRestriction	*SearchRestriction	`json:"assert_search_restriction,omitempty"`

	// Return the context data needed to decrypt secure audit events that have been redacted with format preserving encryption.
	ReturnContext	*bool	`json:"return_context,omitempty"`

Type SearchResultsOutput

type SearchResultsOutput struct

int `json:"count"`

The total number of results that were returned by the search. Count is always populated on a successful response.

A list of matching audit records. Events is always populated on a successful response.

A root of a Merkle Tree

A unpublished root of a Merkle Tree

type SearchResultsOutput struct {
	// The total number of results that were returned by the search.
	// Count is always populated on a successful response.
	Count	int	`json:"count"`

	// A list of matching audit records.
	// Events is always populated on a successful response.
	Events	SearchEvents	`json:"events"`

	// A root of a Merkle Tree
	Root	*Root	`json:"root"`

	// A unpublished root of a Merkle Tree
	UnpublishedRoot	*Root	`json:"unpublished_root"`

Type StandardEvent

type StandardEvent struct

string `json:"actor,omitempty"`

Record who performed the auditable activity. max len is 128 bytes examples: John Doe user-id

string `json:"action,omitempty"`

The auditable action that occurred." max len is 32 bytes examples: created deleted updated

string `json:"message"`

A message describing a detailed account of what happened. This can be recorded as free-form text or as a JSON-formatted string. Message is a required field. max len of 65536 bytes

string `json:"new,omitempty"`

The value of a record after it was changed. max len of 65536 bytes

string `json:"old,omitempty"`

The value of a record before it was changed. max len of 65536 bytes

string `json:"source,omitempty"`

Used to record the location from where an activity occurred. max len of 128 bytes

string `json:"status,omitempty"`

Record whether or not the activity was successful. examples: failure success max len of 32 bytes

string `json:"target,omitempty"`

Used to record the specific record that was targeted by the auditable activity. max len of 128 bytes

*pu.PangeaTimestamp `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`

An optional client-supplied timestamp.

string `json:"tenant_id,omitempty"`

TenantID field

type StandardEvent struct {
	// Record who performed the auditable activity.
	// max len is 128 bytes
	// examples:
	// 	John Doe
	//  user-id
	Actor	string	`json:"actor,omitempty"`

	// The auditable action that occurred."
	// max len is 32 bytes
	// examples:
	// 	created
	//  deleted
	//  updated
	Action	string	`json:"action,omitempty"`

	// A message describing a detailed account of what happened.
	// This can be recorded as free-form text or as a JSON-formatted string.
	// Message is a required field.
	// max len of 65536 bytes
	Message	string	`json:"message"`

	// The value of a record after it was changed.
	// max len of 65536 bytes
	New	string	`json:"new,omitempty"`

	// The value of a record before it was changed.
	// max len of 65536 bytes
	Old	string	`json:"old,omitempty"`

	// Used to record the location from where an activity occurred.
	// max len of 128 bytes
	Source	string	`json:"source,omitempty"`

	// Record whether or not the activity was successful.
	// examples:
	//  failure
	//  success
	// max len of 32 bytes
	Status	string	`json:"status,omitempty"`

	// Used to record the specific record that was targeted by the auditable activity.
	// max len of 128 bytes
	Target	string	`json:"target,omitempty"`

	// An optional client-supplied timestamp.
	Timestamp	*pu.PangeaTimestamp	`json:"timestamp,omitempty"`

	// TenantID field
	TenantID	string	`json:"tenant_id,omitempty"`

Type Tenanter

type Tenanter interface

func() string
type Tenanter interface {
	Tenant() string

Type ValidateEvents

type ValidateEvents []*ValidatedEvent
type ValidateEvents []*ValidatedEvent

Type ValidatedEvent

type ValidatedEvent struct


the event that was validated


True if the event was successfully validated nil if there is no membership to validate


True if the event was successfully validated nil if there is no hash to validate

type ValidatedEvent struct {
	// the event that was validated
	Event	*EventEnvelope

	// True if the event was successfully validated nil if there is no membership to validate
	MembershipProofStatus	*bool

	// True if the event was successfully validated nil if there is no hash to validate
	ConsistencyProofStatus	*bool

Type audit

type audit struct

type audit struct {

	signer			*signer.Signer
	verifyProofs		bool
	skipEventVerification	bool
	publicKeyInfo		map[string]string
	rp			RootsProvider
	lastUnpRootHash		*string
	tenantID		string
	schema			any

Type proof

type proof []proofItem
type proof []proofItem

Type proofItem

type proofItem struct

type proofItem struct {
	Side	proofSide
	Hash	hash.Hash

Type proofSide

type proofSide uint
type proofSide uint

Type rootProof

type rootProof []rootProofItem
type rootProof []rootProofItem

Type rootProofItem

type rootProofItem struct

type rootProofItem struct {
	Hash	hash.Hash
	Proof	proof