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File Scan API Reference

Since File Scan generally requires an asynchronous response, the most common workflow is as follows:

  1. Scan a file using the POST method. The scan returns a response with a 202 success code.
  2. Input the Request ID from the response into the GET method.
  3. The API polls the File Scan request until it receives a response.
  4. Once the API's GET method receives a response, it returns the score, verdict, category, and raw data if requested.

For more information on asynchronous responses, refer to Asynchronous Responses.

CrowdStrike supports the following file formats:

  • Portable Executable (PE)
  • Mach object file (Mach-O)
  • Executable and Linkable Format (ELF)
  • Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents
  • Portable Document Format (PDF)
  • ZIP Archives (ZIP)

ReversingLabs supports most file types. Supported file types are subject to change and can vary between service providers.

Run In Postman
curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data'




Scan a file for malicious content using the provider configured in File-Scan settings, or use the optional “provider” parameter to specify the provider to be used.


(default: false)

Echo the API parameters in the response.

(default: false)

Include raw data from this provider.


Scan file using this provider.


The transfer method used to upload the file data. Learn more about the various Transfer Methods.


The size (in bytes) of the file. If the upload doesn't match, the call will fail.


The CRC32C hash of the file data, which will be verified by the server if provided.


The hexadecimal-encoded SHA256 hash of the file data, which will be verified by the server if provided.

string (uri)

A URL where the file to be scanned can be downloaded. Required if transfer_method is set to source-url


Pangea standard response schema


High-level normalized results sent by the Pangea service


The categories that apply to this indicator as determined by the provider


The score, given by the Pangea service, for the indicator


The verdict, given by the Pangea service, for the indicator


The parameters, which were passed in the request, echoed back


The raw data from the provider. Each provider's data will have its own format


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

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