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Secure Audit Log API Reference

The Secure Audit Log API is designed for recording a trail of application-based user activity in a scalable, tamper-proof log.

Run In Postman

Base URL

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'


Log an entry


Create a log entry in the Secure Audit Log.


A structured record describing that <actor> did <action> on <target> changing it from <old> to <new> and the operation was <status>, and/or a free-form <message>.


A free form text field describing the event.

  • maxLength: 32,766


Config ID. Can be found at the top of the Secure Audit Log dashboard.


A structured record describing that <actor> did <action> on <target> changing it from <old> to <new> and the operation was <status>, and/or a free-form <message>.


An identifier for who the audit record is about.

  • maxLength: 128

What action was performed on a record.

  • maxLength: 32

The value of a record after it was changed.

  • maxLength: 32,766

The value of a record before it was changed.

  • maxLength: 32,766

The source of a record.

  • maxLength: 128

The status or result of the event.

  • maxLength: 32

An identifier for what the audit record is about.

  • maxLength: 128

An optional client-supplied tenant_id.

  • maxLength: 128
string (date-time)

An optional client-supplied timestamp.

  • maxLength: 128

This is the unpublished root hash that was returned from the last log API call that was made. If the user does not provide prev_root, the consistency proof from the last known unpublished root will be provided.


The base64-encoded ed25519 public key used for the signature, if one is provided

  • maxLength: 256

This is the signature of the hash of the canonicalized event that can be verified with the public key provided in the public_key field. Signatures cannot be used with the redaction feature turned on. If redaction is required, the user needs to perform redaction before computing the signature that is to be sent with the message. The SDK facilitates this for users.

  • maxLength: 256
(default: false)

If true, be verbose in the response; include all the data stored, creation time and proofs for the new event (both for membership and consistency)


Pangea standard response schema


The sealed envelope containing the event that was logged. Includes event metadata such as optional client-side signature details and server-added timestamps.


The hash of the event data.

  • minLength: 64

  • maxLength: 64


The current unpublished root.


A proof for verifying that the buffer_root contains the received event


If prev_buffer_root was present in the request, this proof verifies that the new unpublished root is a continuation of prev_unpublished_root


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'


Log multiple entries


Create multiple log entries in the Secure Audit Log.

  • minItems: 1

  • maxItems: 1,000


A structured record describing that <actor> did <action> on <target> changing it from <old> to <new> and the operation was <status>, and/or a free-form <message>.


An identifier for who the audit record is about.

  • maxLength: 128

What action was performed on a record.

  • maxLength: 32

A free form text field describing the event.

  • maxLength: 32,766

The value of a record after it was changed.

  • maxLength: 32,766

The value of a record before it was changed.

  • maxLength: 32,766

The source of a record.

  • maxLength: 128

The status or result of the event.

  • maxLength: 32

An identifier for what the audit record is about.

  • maxLength: 128

An optional client-supplied tenant_id.

  • maxLength: 128
string (date-time)

An optional client-supplied timestamp.

  • maxLength: 128

The base64-encoded ed25519 public key used for the signature, if one is provided

  • maxLength: 256

This is the signature of the hash of the canonicalized event that can be verified with the public key provided in the public_key field. Signatures cannot be used with the redaction feature turned on. If redaction is required, the user needs to perform redaction before computing the signature that is to be sent with the message. The SDK facilitates this for users.

  • maxLength: 256


Config ID. Can be found at the top of the Secure Audit Log dashboard.

(default: false)

If true, be verbose in the response; include all the data stored, creation time and proofs for the new event (both for membership and consistency)


Pangea standard response schema


The sealed envelope containing the event that was logged. Includes event metadata such as optional client-side signature details and server-added timestamps.


The hash of the event data.

  • minLength: 64

  • maxLength: 64


The current unpublished root.


A proof for verifying that the buffer_root contains the received event


If prev_buffer_root was present in the request, this proof verifies that the new unpublished root is a continuation of prev_unpublished_root


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'


Log multiple entries asynchronously


Asynchronously create multiple log entries in the Secure Audit Log.

  • minItems: 1

  • maxItems: 1,000


A structured record describing that <actor> did <action> on <target> changing it from <old> to <new> and the operation was <status>, and/or a free-form <message>.


An identifier for who the audit record is about.

  • maxLength: 128

What action was performed on a record.

  • maxLength: 32

A free form text field describing the event.

  • maxLength: 32,766

The value of a record after it was changed.

  • maxLength: 32,766

The value of a record before it was changed.

  • maxLength: 32,766

The source of a record.

  • maxLength: 128

The status or result of the event.

  • maxLength: 32

An identifier for what the audit record is about.

  • maxLength: 128

An optional client-supplied tenant_id.

  • maxLength: 128
string (date-time)

An optional client-supplied timestamp.

  • maxLength: 128

The base64-encoded ed25519 public key used for the signature, if one is provided

  • maxLength: 256

This is the signature of the hash of the canonicalized event that can be verified with the public key provided in the public_key field. Signatures cannot be used with the redaction feature turned on. If redaction is required, the user needs to perform redaction before computing the signature that is to be sent with the message. The SDK facilitates this for users.

  • maxLength: 256


Config ID. Can be found at the top of the Secure Audit Log dashboard.

(default: false)

If true, be verbose in the response; include all the data stored, creation time and proofs for the new event (both for membership and consistency)


Pangea standard response schema


TTL from now until which results are stored for retrieval.


Number of retry counts performed so far to fetch the results.


The location to check results of the asynchronous request.


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'


Search the log


Search the Secure Audit Log.


Natural search string; a space-separated list of case-sensitive values used to search for records, which includes the optional <field>: prefix to limit the search to a specific field. Values with a space can be enclosed in double-quote (") characters:

  • "search text": any field contains "search text"
  • actor:"Jane Doe": the actor field contains "Jane Doe"
  • actor:alice target:bob sent: actor contains "alice", target contains "bob", and any field contains "sent".

The following optional prefixes are supported: action:, actor:, message:, new:, old:, source:, status:, target:.

The start of the time range to perform the search on. Defaults to 14 days of data.

  • maxLength: 128

The end of the time range to perform the search on. All records up to the latest if left out.

  • maxLength: 128

Config ID. Can be found at the top of the Secure Audit Log dashboard.


Maximum number of results to return.

  • minimum: 1

  • maximum: 10,000

(default: true)

If true, include the root hash of the tree and the membership proof for each record.


Number of audit records to include from the first page of the results.


Specify the sort order of the response.


Name of column to sort the results by.


A list of keys to restrict the search results to. Useful for partitioning data available to the query string.


A list of actors to restrict the search to.


A list of actions to restrict the search to.


A list of sources to restrict the search to.


A list of statuses to restrict the search to.


A list of targets to restrict the search to.


A list of tenant_ids to restrict the search to.


Return the context data needed to decrypt secure audit events that have been redacted with format preserving encryption.


Pangea standard response schema


The total number of events that were returned by the search.


A list of matching audit event results.


An audit record returned by a search operation


A structured record describing that <actor> did <action> on <target> changing it from <old> to <new> and the operation was <status>, and/or a free-form <message>.


An identifier for who the audit record is about.

  • maxLength: 128

What action was performed on a record.

  • maxLength: 32

A free form text field describing the event.

  • maxLength: 32,766

The value of a record after it was changed.

  • maxLength: 32,766

The value of a record before it was changed.

  • maxLength: 32,766

The source of a record.

  • maxLength: 128

The status or result of the event.

  • maxLength: 32

An identifier for what the audit record is about.

  • maxLength: 128

An optional client-supplied tenant_id.

  • maxLength: 128
string (date-time)

An optional client-supplied timestamp.

  • maxLength: 128

A list of errors (if any) encountered when processing the event. A non-empty array indicates the client had sent a malformed event.


A description of the detected error/problem with the original event.


The original JSON field where the error was detected.

The original JSON value (may be truncated.)

string (date-time)

A Pangea provided timestamp of when the event was received.


This is the signature of the hash of the canonicalized event that can be verified with the public key provided in the public_key field. Signatures cannot be used with the redaction feature turned on. If redaction is required, the user needs to perform redaction before computing the signature that is to be sent with the message. The SDK facilitates this for users.

  • maxLength: 256

The base64-encoded ed25519 public key used for the signature, if one is provided

  • maxLength: 256

A cryptographic proof that the record has been persisted in the log


The record's hash

  • minLength: 64

  • maxLength: 64


If true, a root has been published after this event. If false, there is no published root for this event


If true, the even was imported manually and not logged by the standard procedure. Some features such as tamper proofing may not be available


The index of the leaf of the Merkle Tree where this record was inserted or null if published=false


The context data needed to decrypt secure audit events that have been redacted with format preserving encryption.

string (date-time)

The time when the results will no longer be available to page through via the results API.


Identifier to supply to search_results API to fetch/paginate through search results.


A root of a Merkle Tree


The size of the tree (the number of records)

  • minimum: 1

The root hash

  • minLength: 64

  • maxLength: 64

string (date-time)

The date/time when this root was published

string (uri)

The URL where this root has been published


The name of the Merkle Tree


Consistency proof to verify that this root is a continuation of the previous one


A root of a Merkle Tree that was not published yet


The size of the tree (the number of records)

  • minimum: 1

The root hash

  • minLength: 64

  • maxLength: 64


The name of the Merkle Tree


Consistency proof to verify that this root is a continuation of the previous one


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'


Search results


Page through results from a previous search.


A search results identifier returned by the search call.


If provided, fail if the original search was performed with anything but the provided search_restriction parameter.


Config ID. Can be found at the top of the Secure Audit Log dashboard.


Number of audit records to include in a single set of results.


Offset from the start of the result set to start returning results from.


Return the context data needed to decrypt secure audit events that have been redacted with format preserving encryption.


Pangea standard response schema


The total number of results returned by the search.


A list of matching audit records.


An audit record returned by a search operation


A structured record describing that <actor> did <action> on <target> changing it from <old> to <new> and the operation was <status>, and/or a free-form <message>.


An identifier for who the audit record is about.

  • maxLength: 128

What action was performed on a record.

  • maxLength: 32

A free form text field describing the event.

  • maxLength: 32,766

The value of a record after it was changed.

  • maxLength: 32,766

The value of a record before it was changed.

  • maxLength: 32,766

The source of a record.

  • maxLength: 128

The status or result of the event.

  • maxLength: 32

An identifier for what the audit record is about.

  • maxLength: 128

An optional client-supplied tenant_id.

  • maxLength: 128
string (date-time)

An optional client-supplied timestamp.

  • maxLength: 128

A list of errors (if any) encountered when processing the event. A non-empty array indicates the client had sent a malformed event.


A description of the detected error/problem with the original event.


The original JSON field where the error was detected.

The original JSON value (may be truncated.)

string (date-time)

A Pangea provided timestamp of when the event was received.


This is the signature of the hash of the canonicalized event that can be verified with the public key provided in the public_key field. Signatures cannot be used with the redaction feature turned on. If redaction is required, the user needs to perform redaction before computing the signature that is to be sent with the message. The SDK facilitates this for users.

  • maxLength: 256

The base64-encoded ed25519 public key used for the signature, if one is provided

  • maxLength: 256

A cryptographic proof that the record has been persisted in the log


The record's hash

  • minLength: 64

  • maxLength: 64


If true, a root has been published after this event. If false, there is no published root for this event


If true, the even was imported manually and not logged by the standard procedure. Some features such as tamper proofing may not be available


The index of the leaf of the Merkle Tree where this record was inserted or null if published=false


The context data needed to decrypt secure audit events that have been redacted with format preserving encryption.


A root of a Merkle Tree


The size of the tree (the number of records)

  • minimum: 1

The root hash

  • minLength: 64

  • maxLength: 64

string (date-time)

The date/time when this root was published

string (uri)

The URL where this root has been published


The name of the Merkle Tree


Consistency proof to verify that this root is a continuation of the previous one


A root of a Merkle Tree that was not published yet


The size of the tree (the number of records)

  • minimum: 1

The root hash

  • minLength: 64

  • maxLength: 64


The name of the Merkle Tree


Consistency proof to verify that this root is a continuation of the previous one


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'


Export from the audit log


Bulk export data from the Secure Audit Log, with optional filtering. Use the request parameters to define the log data to export. Providing no filtering will request all of the available logs.

Make sure that your account has enough credits to complete the call before making the request. The API checks the account balance against the cost of the request and will exit before attempting the call if the account balance is too low to fulfill the request.

The export request is asynchronous and could take hours to complete, depending on the number of records. You can make a GET request to https://audit.<csp>.<region><request_id> to poll for the completion.

After the export request completes, use the /v1/download_results endpoint to download the exported logs. Provide the request_id from the export request as the request_id parameter of the download request.


Config ID. Can be found at the top of the Secure Audit Log dashboard.

The end of the time range to perform the search on. All records up to the latest if left out.

  • maxLength: 128
(default: true)

If true, include the root hash of the tree and the membership proof for each record.


Specify the sort order of the response, either ascending (asc) or descending (desc).


Name of column to sort the results by.

The start of the time range to perform the search on.

  • maxLength: 128
(default: "csv")

Format for the records.


Pangea standard response schema


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'


Download search results


Retrieve all search or export results as a compressed (gzip) CSV file.

To download search results, use provided in the search API response as the result_id parameter.

To download export results, use request_id from the export API request as the request_id parameter.

The download API returns a presigned GET URL in result.dest_url, where the log data can be downloaded.

string returned by the search API.

Required if request_id is not provided. Mutually exclusive with the request_id parameter.


If provided, fail if the original search was performed with anything but the provided search_restriction parameter.


request_id returned by the export API.

Required if result_id is not provided. Mutually exclusive with the result_id parameter.

(default: "csv")

Format for the records.


ID for config associated with the result.


Return the context data needed to decrypt secure audit events that have been redacted with format preserving encryption.


Pangea standard response schema


URL where search results can be downloaded

string (date-time)

The time when the results will no longer be available to page through via the results API.


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'


Log streaming endpoint


This API allows third-party vendors like Auth0 to stream log events to this endpoint. The payload structure may vary across different vendors. Please refer to examples in the SDKs to test this functionality and consult the Log Streaming documentation for details.


Pangea standard response schema


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'


Tamperproof Verification


Return current root hash and consistency proof.


Config ID. Can be found at the top of the Secure Audit Log dashboard.


The size of the tree (the number of records)

  • minimum: 1


Pangea standard response schema


A root of a Merkle Tree


The size of the tree (the number of records)

  • minimum: 1

The root hash

  • minLength: 64

  • maxLength: 64

string (date-time)

The date/time when this root was published

string (uri)

The URL where this root has been published


The name of the Merkle Tree


Consistency proof to verify that this root is a continuation of the previous one


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

Status Codes
StatusStatus CodeDescription

A tree has not been built for proofs. This is likely due to a lack of audit messages ingested.


The offset provided is invalid or out of range.


Forwarder has experienced an error while forwarding messages


The configured schema is not valid for this endpoint.


Testing a forwarder requires a forwarder to be configured


A field value was supplied that is not allowed by the token's field restrictions.

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