AuthN API Reference
AuthN API Endpoints
Status Codes
Status | Status Code | Description |
AgreementExists | 200 | An attempt was made to create an agreement that already exists. |
AgreementPublished | 200 | An attempt was made to edit or delete an agreement that was previously published. |
AuthenticationFailure | 200 | Authentication failed because an incorrect password, social ID, or OTP code was provided. |
CantDeleteFirstName | 200 | An attempt was made to delete the first_name field of a user's profile. |
CantDeleteLastName | 200 | An attempt was made to delete the first_name field of a user's profile. |
CantDeletePhone | 200 | An attempt was made to delete the phone field of a user's profile when SMS OTP was enabled. |
CantRefreshToken | 200 | An attempt was made to refresh a token that is not refreshable or has already been refreshed. |
CantSetPassword | 200 | An attempt was made to set a password for a user that does not support passwords. |
CheckEmail | 200 | User successfully signuped up by needs to verify their email |
ClientAuthenticationFailure | 200 | Authentication failed because an incorrect secret was provided. |
ConfigExists | 200 | An attempt was made to create a Config that already exists. |
DisabledToken | 200 | An attempt was made to use a token that has been disabled. |
DisabledUser | 200 | An attempt was made to access a disabled user. |
DomainExists | 200 | An attempt was made to register domain that already exists. |
DomainVerificationFailure | 200 | CNAME lookup did not match the login domain. |
DuplicateOTPCode | 200 | A previously used OTP code was used. Please enter the next OTP code. |
EmailRequired | 200 | An operation was performed that requires that the user has an email configured. |
ExpiredToken | 200 | An attempt was made to access a token that has expired. |
IncorrectAuthenticationProvider | 200 | An attempt was made to authenticate a user with a different authentication provider than the user was provisioned with. |
InvalidAgreement | 200 | An attempt was made to access a non-existent agreement. |
InvalidAuthenticationProvider | 200 | An attempt was made to configure a user account with an authentication provider that is not enabled. |
InvalidAuthenticator | 200 | An attempt was made to access a non-existent authenticator. |
InvalidCallback | 200 | An attempt was made to use a callback URI that was not configured for this service. |
InvalidDomain | 200 | An attempt was made to access a non-existent domain. |
InvalidExtProvisionSetting | 200 | An attempt was made to access a non-existent external provider provision settings. |
InvalidFlow | 200 | An attempt was made to use a flow ID that does not exist or has expired. |
InvalidFlowState | 200 | An attempt was made to perform a flow operation in a state when it was not allowed. |
InvalidMfaProvider | 200 | An attempt was made to use an invalid MFA provider. |
InvalidSAMLServiceProvider | 200 | An attempt was made to access a non-existent SAML Service Provider. |
InvalidServiceAccount | 200 | An attempt was made to access a non-existent service account. |
InvalidTicket | 200 | An attempt was made to access a non-existent ticket. |
InvalidTicketType | 200 | An invalid ticket type was used. |
InvalidToken | 200 | An attempt was made to access a non-existent token. |
InvalidUser | 200 | An attempt was made to access a non-existent user. |
InvalidUserImport | 200 | An attempt was made to access a non-existent user import. |
InvalidWebauthnSession | 200 | An attempt was made to access a non-existent webauthn session. |
JwtSigningNotConfigured | 200 | An attempt was made to JWT token but it is not configured or enabled. |
MfaCodeExpired | 200 | An attempt was made to use an MFA code that has expired. |
MfaEnrolled | 200 | An attempt was made to enroll an MFA provider that is already enrolled. |
MfaNotEnrolled | 200 | An attempt was made to use an MFA provider that is not enrolled. |
MfaResendTooSoon | 200 | An attempt was made to send an new MFA code too soon after the previous code was sent. |
NoSocialProviderConfigured | 200 | An attempt to start a flow on a user without a social oauth provider was created. |
NoWebauthnProviderConfigured | 200 | An attempt to start a flow on a user without a webauthn provider was created. |
OrgExists | 200 | An attempt was made to enable an Org that is already enabled. |
PasskeyRegistrationFailure | 200 | An attempt was made to register a passkey. |
PasswordHashGenerationFailed | 200 | An attempt was made to match password and password generated hash |
PasswordHashMatchFailed | 200 | An attempt was made to match password and password generated hash |
PasswordPolicyFailure | 200 | The password did not satisfy password complexity requirements. |
PhoneNumberRequired | 200 | An operation was performed that requires that the user has a phone number configured. |
SAMLGenericError | 200 | An unexpected SAML-related issue has occurred. |
SAMLSPExists | 200 | An attempt was made to create a SAML Service Provider of an existing Service Provider. |
SMSSendFailure | 200 | An attempt to send an SMS message failed. |
SignupForbidden | 200 | An attempt was made to sign up a new user when signups are disabled. |
UserExists | 200 | An attempt was made to create a user with an email address of an existing user. |
UserImportErr | 200 | Failed to import user. |
UserImportExists | 200 | An attempt was made to create an user import from the given source that already in-progress. |
BadSession | 400 | An invalid session was attempted to be accessed |
CaptchaFailed | 400 | User sent up a bad captcha |
ConflictGroup | 400 | An attempt was made to create a group which conflicts with another group. |
ExtSettingValidationErr | 400 | Failed to verify provision setting payload, could be un-supported auth_mode or auth_settings. |
InvalidClient | 400 | An attempt was made to access a non-existent client. |
InvalidFieldMapping | 400 | An attempt was made to import or validate user import but field mapping did not match |
InvalidFileFormat | 400 | An attempt was made to upload bad file's format or structure. |
InvalidFileType | 400 | An attempt was made to upload file type which is not supported or not allowed |
InvalidGroup | 400 | An attempt was made to access a non-existent group. |
InvalidOAuthClaim | 400 | An attempt was made to access a non-existent oauth claim. |
InvalidOAuthClaimValue | 400 | An attempt was made to assign a claim value which doest not exist. |
InvalidOAuthClientGrantType | 400 | An attempt was made to use invalid grant type. |
InvalidOAuthClientRedirectURL | 400 | An attempt was made to use invalid redirect url. |
InvalidOAuthClientResponseType | 400 | An attempt was made to use invalid response type. |
InvalidOAuthScope | 400 | An attempt was made to access a non-existent oauth custom scope. |
InvalidOAuthSecretId | 400 | An attempt was made to access a non-existent OAuth secret id. |
InvalidPasswordHashParam | 400 | An attempt was made to match password and password generated hash |
InvalidUserImportSource | 400 | An attempt was made to update/delete user import source which is not exist |
InvalidUserImportSourceType | 400 | An attempt was made to define user import source type which is not supported or not allowed |
MissingAuthZConfigId | 400 | AuthZ must be configuerd to use groups. |
NotMatchExpectedEmail | 400 | User tried to sign up using an email when a forced email was set |
OAuthConflictClaim | 400 | An attempt was made to create a claim which conflict with other claim. |
OAuthConflictScope | 400 | An attempt was made to create a scope which conflict with other scope. |
OAuthReservedScope | 400 | An attempt was made to access a reserved OAuth scope name. |
OAuthScopeCheckFailed | 400 | An attempt was made to use a scope that is either not configured or failed to be verified with the authorization server. |
OperationNotSupported | 400 | An attempt was made for an operation that is not supported by the service |
RequiredOAuthScope | 400 | An attempt was made to access with empty scope |
SAMLAttributeError | 400 | Expected attribute(s) missing in the SAML assertion or attributes not matching expectation. |
SAMLConfigMismatchError | 400 | Mismatched Entity ID, endpoint URL, or NameID format between SP and IdP. |
SubscriptionExists | 400 | An attempt was made to create a Subscription that already exists. |
WebauthnVerificationError | 400 | Failed to verify webauthn payload, could be attestation, challenge, mismatch, etc. |
AccountLockedOut | 403 | The account has been locked out due to too many failed login attempts |
DomainNotAllowed | 403 | An attempt was made to signup or user creation from a disallowed domain |
IPNotAllowed | 403 | An attempt was made to login or signup from a disallowed IP address. |
SAMLCertAndSignatureError | 403 | Problem with certificates for signing/encryption or misconfiguration in signing assertions. |
ThreatCheckDomainBlocked | 403 | An attempt was made to signup or log in from a blocked domain |
ThreatCheckIPBlocked | 403 | An attempt was made to signup or log ins from a blocked IP |
CreateUserFailed | 500 | Failed to create user for some reason |
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