Secure Share - General API Reference
Base URL
curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Get information on the accessible buckets.
curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'
Delete an item from the Secure Share by providing its id
or path
Provide just id
OR just path
The force
parameter can be used to delete folders and their contents even if the folder is not empty.
curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'
Create a Secure Share folder.
Use either parent_id
with name
to specify the folder to be created, or use path
only to specify the complete path to the folder to be created.
curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'
Download a file with from Secure Share by id
OR path
You can use the path
parameter alone to specify the full path to the file,
OR you can use the id
of the file to be downloaded.
See Transfer Methods for information on transfer_method
curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'
Download an archive (tar or zip) containing the items identified by the ids in the ids
array parameter.
See Transfer Methods for information on transfer_method
curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'
List files matching the given filter parameter.
Use the order
parameter to specify “asc” for ascending, or “desc” for descending order of the results.
Use the order_by
parameter to specify which field the order parameter refers to.
Use the size
parameter to indicate the maximum number of results to include per call (for pagination of the results).
When paginating results, use the value of result.last
from the response to the previous call as the value for the input parameter last
from the response gives the total number of items matching the filter.
curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data'
Upload a file with a given name to a given destination folder path in Secure Share.
You can use the path
parameter alone to specify the full path to the named file for upload,
OR you can use the parent_id
(destination folder path) and the name
(for the file name) parameters together.
See Transfer Methods for information on transfer_method
curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'
Update information, such as tags or metadata, about an object by id
OR bypath
You can use the path
parameter alone to specify the full path to the file,
OR you can use the id
of the file whose information is to be updated.
Status Codes
Status | Status Code | Description |
ShareBadTransferMethod | 400 | A bad or unsupported transfer method was specified. |
ShareCantDeleteRoot | 400 | You cannot delete the root folder. |
ShareExternalBucketNotVerified | 400 | An external bucket cannot be used unless it has been verified. |
ShareFileMalicious | 400 | The file was malicious. |
ShareIDMismatch | 400 | An ID was supplied that didn't match the associated object. |
ShareImmutableError | 400 | Immutable {subject} ($-prefixed) cannot be modified or removed. |
ShareLoopDetected | 400 | A folder path naming loop was detected. |
ShareMissingPayload | 400 | An API request was submitted without a file paylod. Check the API documentation and try again. |
ShareNameMismatch | 400 | A name was supplied that didn't match the associated object. If updating an object ty path, the name is not required. |
ShareNoDefaultBucket | 400 | No bucket_id supplied and no default bucket. |
ShareNotEmpty | 400 | A folder is not empty. |
ShareParentIDDoesNotExist | 400 | The supplied parent ID does not exist. |
SharePathContainsNonFolder | 400 | The supplied path contains a non folder part: {subject} |
ShareTypeMismatch | 400 | You are trying to replace or update an object of one type (file, folder, etc.) to another. This is not allowed. |
ShareUnableToScanBlocked | 400 | Configuration prevents unscannable files from being uploaded. |
ShareUnsupportedHashes | 400 | One or more unsupported hashes were used: {subject} |
ShareUpdatedAtMismatch | 400 | The supplied updated at timestamp didn't match the stored timestamp. Refresh your data and try again. |
ShareVaultNotConfigured | 400 | An operation requiring vault was performed, but vault has not been configured. |
ShareVaultPasswordDoesNotExist | 400 | No password exists on the associated object. |
ShareVaultPasswordExists | 400 | A password already exists on the associated object. |
ShareVaultPasswordMissing | 400 | An object is password protected and no password was provided. |
ShareVaultPasswordNotAllowed | 400 | Encryption is not supported on an object, password not allowed. |
ShareVaultPasswordWrong | 400 | An object is password protected and an invalid password was provided. |
ShareVaultProblem | 400 | A vault problem was encountered. Check that your token has appropriate vault permissions. |
ShareForbiddenFormat | 403 | The uploaded file format {subject} is not configured as an allowed format. |
ShareForbiddenMedia | 403 | The uploaded file media type ({action}) and format ({subject}) is not allowed by configuration. |
ShareSourceURLRejected | 403 | The provided source URL was rejected. |
ShareTooLarge | 403 | The uploaded object exceeds the maximum configured size of {subject}. |
SharePutObjectExists | 409 | An object with this Name already exists in this folder. |
ShareTransferFailed | 503 | A temporary error occurred while handling an object. |
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