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Check an Embargo list

Learn how to check an Embargo list

Checking an IP

Each SDK provides a check IP method, which can be used to check IP addresses with the Embargo service. Here's an example of checking an IP with the Embargo service.

import os

import pangea.exceptions as pe
from pangea.config import PangeaConfig
from import Embargo
from import logger_set_pangea_config

token = os.getenv("PANGEA_EMBARGO_TOKEN")
domain = os.getenv("PANGEA_DOMAIN")
config = PangeaConfig(domain=domain)
embargo = Embargo(token, config=config, logger_name="embargo")

def main():
    ip = ""
    print(f"Checking Embargo IP: {ip}")
        embargo_response = embargo.ip_check(ip=ip)
        print(f"Response: {embargo_response.result}")
    except pe.PangeaAPIException as e:
        print(f"Embargo Request Error: {e.response.summary}")
        for err in e.errors:
            print(f"\t{err.detail} \n")

if __name__ == "__main__":

For complete details on the check method, see the API documentation or for details on other languages' SDK, see the SDK documentation.

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