Integration Options Overview
Independent of whether Pangea is deployed as SaaS, Edge, or Private Cloud, you can integrate its services directly in your application using Pangea's APIs, SDKs, or AI Tools (for example, LangChain integrations), or by routing traffic through an API Gateway.
Integration Options | Deployment Models | ||
Pangea SaaS | Edge | Private Cloud | |
In-App Security | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
API Gateways | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
To learn more about where Pangea can run and how it fits into your infrastructure, visit the Deployment Models documentation.
Choosing an architectural pattern
When selecting the right architectural option for Pangea, consider the following:
In-App Security – Best for standalone or independent projects requiring specific controls and low latency. However, managing and configuring integrations across dozens or hundreds of applications can be complex. To simplify integration, we provide SDKs for Python, JavaScript, Go, Java, and C#, backed by simple HTTP APIs. AI tools for frameworks like LangChain will also be available soon.
API Gateway – Best for enforcing controls and policies across a network of applications and systems, regardless of their technology, configuration, or development stage. However, it offers less granularity for per-application control. To streamline deployment, we integrate with gateway solutions such as Portkey, Kong, Cloudflare, F5, and Fortinet.
Ultimately, choose APIs for direct, customizable integration, SDKs and AI tools for streamlined integration in a specific language or framework, or API Gateways for centralized management and policy enforcement across multiple services. You can also combine multiple options based on your needs and infrastructure.
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