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Vault V1 Keys API Reference

Run In Postman

Base URL

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'


Generate key


Generate a symmetric or asymmetric key.


Type of the Vault item


Purpose of the key:

  • signing - Asymmetric key used for creating and verifying cryptographic signatures
  • encryption - Asymmetric key used for encryption and decryption operations
  • jwt - Asymmetric key used for signing JSON Web Tokens (JWT), producing a verifiable JSON Web Signature (JWS)
  • pki - Asymmetric key used for Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) functions, such as certificate lifecycle management and identity verification


Name of the item


Folder where the item is stored


Metadata provided by the user


List of user-defined tags

string (pangea-duration)

Time interval between item rotations, provided as a positive number followed by a time unit: secs, mins, hrs, days, weeks, months, or years. You can use abbreviations like 1d. Omit to inherit from the parent folder or default settings. Set to never to disable rotation.


Target state for the previous version after rotation. Set to inherited to inherit from the parent folder or default settings.

string (date-time)

Expiration timestamp

(default: false)

Allows the creation of an exportable key. Default is false.


Pangea standard response schema


ID of the key


Type of the Vault item


Version of the key


Algorithm of the key


Purpose of the key:

  • signing - Asymmetric key used for creating and verifying cryptographic signatures
  • encryption - Asymmetric key used for encryption and decryption operations
  • jwt - Asymmetric key used for signing JSON Web Tokens (JWT), producing a verifiable JSON Web Signature (JWS)
  • pki - Asymmetric key used for Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) functions, such as certificate lifecycle management and identity verification

Public key (in PEM format)


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'


Rotate key


Manually rotate a symmetric or asymmetric key. Optionally, provide new key value(s) created using the same algorithm as the original key.


ID of the key


Target state for the previous version after rotation. Omit to apply the current rotation policy.

string (base64)

Key material (Base64-encoded)


Pangea standard response schema


ID of the key


Type of the Vault item


Version of the key


Algorithm of the key

(default: "encryption")

Purpose of the key:

  • encryption - Symmetric key used for encryption and decryption operations
  • jwt - Symmetric key used for signing JSON Web Tokens (JWT), producing a verifiable JSON Web Signature (JWS)
  • fpe - Symmetric key used for Format Preserving Encryption (FPE)

A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'




Encrypt a message using a key created for encryption purposes.


ID of the key to use. It must be a symmetric_key or asymmetric_key created for encryption purposes.

string (base64)

Message to be encrypted (Base64-encoded)


Version of the key. If not specified, the latest version is used by default.

  • minimum: 1

Extra data optionally accepted by some algorithms during encryption and required during decryption to ensure message integrity (Base64-encoded)


Pangea standard response schema


ID of the key


Version of the key used for encryption

  • minimum: 1

Algorithm of the key used for decryption

string (base64)

Encrypted message (Base64-encoded)


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'




Decrypt a message using the same key that was used for encryption.


ID of the key used for encrypting cipher_text

string (base64)

Message encrypted by Vault (Base64-encoded)


Version of the key. If not specified, the latest version is used by default.

  • minimum: 1

Extra data optionally accepted by some algorithms during encryption and required during decryption to ensure message integrity (Base64-encoded)


Pangea standard response schema


ID of the key


Version of the key used for decryption

  • minimum: 1

Algorithm of the key used for encryption

string (base64)

Decrypted message (Base64-encoded)


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'


Encrypt structured data


Encrypt structured data by selecting and encrypting parts of a JSON object using a JSONPath expression.

For example, use a JSONPath like $.batch_input[*].ssn to select elements in the following JSON document:

    "batch_input": [
            "ssn": "123-45-6789"
            "ssn": "987-65-4321"

Using this filter for encryption will return a JSON document where 123-45-6789 and 987-65-4321 are replaced with their encrypted values.

Find additional details in the Structured Data Encryption and JSON Path documentation.


ID of the key to use. It must be a symmetric_key or asymmetric_key created for encryption purposes.


JSON used to perform bulk encryption operations

string (jsonpath)

Filter expression that must target string elements in the structured_data field


Version of the key. If not specified, the latest version is used by default.

  • minimum: 1

Extra data optionally accepted by some algorithms during encryption and required during decryption to ensure message integrity (Base64-encoded)


Pangea standard response schema


ID of the item


Version of the key used for encryption

  • minimum: 1

Algorithm of the key


Structured data with the filtered elements encrypted


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'


Decrypt structured


Decrypt structured data by selecting encrypted parts of a JSON object using a JSONPath expression.

For example, use a JSONPath like $.batch_input[*].ssn to select encrypted elements in the following JSON document:

    "batch_input": [
            "ssn": "CwAAAIfgVg2uv98KIMhAS17DQfznWEA8yXTqLvZFaXDafQIu"
            "ssn": "CwAAADIqwKdF8LQc9SlAFvyf+G4wvsCgurmuVIWad9Ip5tl2"

Using this filter for decryption will return a JSON document with the encrypted values replaced by their decrypted counterparts.

Find additional details in the Structured Data Encryption and JSON Path documentation.


ID of the key used for encrypting structured_data


Structured data with the filtered elements encrypted

string (jsonpath)

Filter expression that must target string elements in the structured_data field


Version of the key. If not specified, the latest version is used by default.

  • minimum: 1

Extra data optionally accepted by some algorithms during encryption and required during decryption to ensure message integrity (Base64-encoded)


Pangea standard response schema


ID of the item


Version of the key used for decryption

  • minimum: 1

Algorithm of the key


JSON used to perform bulk encryption operations


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'


Encrypt using FPE


Encrypt using a Format Preserving Encryption (FPE) algorithm.


ID of the key to use. It must be a symmetric_key created for Format Preserving Encryption.


Message to be encrypted


Character set to use for Format Preserving Encryption (FPE)


Version of the key. If not specified, the latest version is used by default.

  • minimum: 1

User-provided tweak string. If omitted, a random string will be generated and returned during encryption. Securely store the tweak source, as it is required to decrypt the data.


Pangea standard response schema


ID of the key


Version of the key used for encryption

  • minimum: 1

Algorithm of the key used for encryption


Message encrypted with FPE


User-provided tweak string. If omitted, a random string will be generated and returned during encryption. Securely store the tweak source, as it is required to decrypt the data.


Character set to use for Format Preserving Encryption (FPE)


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'


Decrypt using FPE


Decrypt using a Format Preserving Encryption (FPE) algorithm.


ID of the key used for encrypting cipher_text


Message encrypted by Vault


User-provided tweak string. If omitted, a random string will be generated and returned during encryption. Securely store the tweak source, as it is required to decrypt the data.


Character set to use for Format Preserving Encryption (FPE)


Version of the key. If not specified, the latest version is used by default.

  • minimum: 1


Pangea standard response schema


ID of the key


Version of the key used for decryption

  • minimum: 1

Algorithm of the key used for encryption


Message to be encrypted


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'


Encrypt structured data using FPE


Encrypt structured data using a Format Preserving Encryption (FPE) algorithm by selecting and encrypting parts of a JSON object with a JSONPath expression.

For example, use a JSONPath like $.batch_input[*].ssn to select elements in the following JSON document:

    "batch_input": [
            "ssn": "123-45-6789"
            "ssn": "987-65-4321"

Using this filter for encryption will return a JSON document where 123-45-6789 and 987-65-4321 are replaced with their FPE-encrypted values.

Find additional information in the Format Preserving Encryption (FPE), Structured Data Encryption, and JSON Path documentation.


ID of the key to use. It must be a symmetric_key created for Format Preserving Encryption.


Character set to use for Format Preserving Encryption (FPE)


JSON used to perform bulk encryption operations

string (jsonpath)

Filter expression that must target string elements in the structured_data field


Version of the key. If not specified, the latest version is used by default.

  • minimum: 1

Extra data optionally accepted by some algorithms during encryption and required during decryption to ensure message integrity (Base64-encoded)


User-provided tweak string. If omitted, a random string will be generated and returned during encryption. Securely store the tweak source, as it is required to decrypt the data.


Pangea standard response schema


ID of the key


Version of the key used for encryption

  • minimum: 1

Algorithm of the key used for encryption


Structured data with the filtered elements encrypted using FPE


User-provided tweak string. If omitted, a random string will be generated and returned during encryption. Securely store the tweak source, as it is required to decrypt the data.


Character set to use for Format Preserving Encryption (FPE)


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'


Decrypt structured data using FPE


Decrypt structured data by selecting FPE-encrypted parts of a JSON object using a JSONPath expression.

For example, use a JSONPath like $.batch_input[*].ssn to select FPE-encrypted elements in the following JSON document:

    "batch_input": [
            "ssn": "987-65-4321"
            "ssn": "123-45-6789"

Using this filter for decryption will return a JSON document with the FPE-encrypted values replaced by their decrypted counterparts.

Find additional information in the Format Preserving Encryption (FPE), Structured Data Encryption, and JSON Path documentation.


ID of the key used for encrypting structured_data


Structured data with the filtered elements encrypted using FPE

string (jsonpath)

Filter expression that must target string elements in the structured_data field


Character set to use for Format Preserving Encryption (FPE)


Version of the key. If not specified, the latest version is used by default.

  • minimum: 1

Extra data optionally accepted by some algorithms during encryption and required during decryption to ensure message integrity (Base64-encoded)


User-provided tweak string. If omitted, a random string will be generated and returned during encryption. Securely store the tweak source, as it is required to decrypt the data.


Pangea standard response schema


ID of the key


Version of the key used for decryption

  • minimum: 1

Algorithm of the key used for encryption


JSON used to perform bulk encryption operations


User-provided tweak string. If omitted, a random string will be generated and returned during encryption. Securely store the tweak source, as it is required to decrypt the data.


Character set to use for Format Preserving Encryption (FPE)


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'




Sign a message using a key for creating and verifying cryptographic signatures.


ID of the key to use. It must be an asymmetric_key created for signing purposes.

string (base64)

Message to be signed (Base64-encoded)


Version of the key. If not specified, the latest version is used by default.

  • minimum: 1


Pangea standard response schema


ID of the key used for signing


Version of the key used for signing

  • minimum: 1

Algorithm of the key used for signing

string (base64)

Signature of the message (Base64-encoded)


Public key (in PEM format)


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'


Verify signature


Verify a signature using a key for creating and verifying cryptographic signatures.


ID of the key used for signing message

string (base64)

Message used for generating signature (Base64-encoded)

string (base64)

Signature to be verified, generated for message (Base64-encoded)


Version of the key. If not specified, the latest version is used by default.

  • minimum: 1


Pangea standard response schema


ID of the key used for signing


Version of the key used for signing

  • minimum: 1

Algorithm of the key used for signing


Indicates whether the signature has been verified:

  • true - The signature is valid
  • false - The signature is not valid

A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

curl -sSLX POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'


Store key


Import a symmetric or asymmetric key.


Type of the Vault item


Purpose of the key:

  • signing - Asymmetric key used for creating and verifying cryptographic signatures
  • encryption - Asymmetric key used for encryption and decryption operations
  • jwt - Asymmetric key used for signing JSON Web Tokens (JWT), producing a verifiable JSON Web Signature (JWS)
  • pki - Asymmetric key used for Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) functions, such as certificate lifecycle management and identity verification

Public key (in PEM format)


Private key (in PEM format)


Name to be assigned to the key


Folder where this key will be stored in Vault. By default, a folder is created or used based on the key’s purpose: /key/encryption, /key/signing, or /key/jwt.


Metadata provided by the user


List of user-defined tags

string (pangea-duration)

Time interval between item rotations, provided as a positive number followed by a time unit: secs, mins, hrs, days, weeks, months, or years. You can use abbreviations like 1d. Omit to inherit from the parent folder or default settings. Set to never to disable rotation.


Target state for the previous version after rotation. Set to inherited to inherit from the parent folder or default settings.

string (date-time)

Expiration timestamp

(default: false)

Allows the creation of an exportable key. Default is false.


Pangea standard response schema


Type of the Vault item


ID of the key


Version of the key


Algorithm of the key


Purpose of the key:

  • signing - Asymmetric key used for creating and verifying cryptographic signatures
  • encryption - Asymmetric key used for encryption and decryption operations
  • jwt - Asymmetric key used for signing JSON Web Tokens (JWT), producing a verifiable JSON Web Signature (JWS)
  • pki - Asymmetric key used for Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) functions, such as certificate lifecycle management and identity verification

Public key (in PEM format)


A unique identifier assigned to each request made to the API. It is used to track and identify a specific request and its associated data. The request_id can be helpful for troubleshooting, auditing, and tracing the flow of requests within the system. It allows users to reference and retrieve information related to a particular request, such as the response, parameters, and raw data associated with that specific request.


The timestamp indicates the exact moment when a request is made to the API. It represents the date and time at which the request was initiated by the client. The request_time is useful for tracking and analyzing the timing of requests, measuring response times, and monitoring performance metrics. It allows users to determine the duration between the request initiation and the corresponding response, aiding in the assessment of API performance and latency.


Duration it takes for the API to process a request and generate a response. It represents the elapsed time from when the request is received by the API to when the corresponding response is returned to the client.


It represents the status or outcome of the API request made for IP information. It indicates the current state or condition of the request and provides information on the success or failure of the request.


Provides a concise and brief overview of the purpose or primary objective of the API endpoint. It serves as a high-level summary or description of the functionality or feature offered by the endpoint.

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