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Request Cold Export

Learn how to access log events moved to cold storage for long-term retention

If you enabled cold storage in your Retention policy settings, the archived audit logs are no longer searchable via the service APIs or Log Viewer. However, you can request an export from cold storage. This document explains the general process of a cold export.

  1. Send an email to with the following information:

    For example:

    Subject Line: Cold Export

    Dear Pangea Support,

    Please provide Secure Audit Log export for the following dates and IDs:

    Organization ID: poi_qie5kaj5o3622tw4qj5qbyw77ship4bh
    Audit Config ID: pci_7jpynylxnwt6geztknsegsxcxuuz32su
    Dates: from 2020-03-11 to 2023-03-05
  2. The response to your email will provide an expected date when you will receive the requested data.

  3. When the data is exported, you will receive a follow-up email with a pre-signed URL to download the results.

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