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Kubernetes Secrets

Use Vault secrets in Kubernetes cluster with External Secrets Operator

External Secrets Operator (ESO) lets you call Vault APIs and store Vault secrets as Kubernetes secrets.

This guide provides an example of how to integrate Vault with ESO. You can follow this example in your Kubernetes cluster using your free Pangea account.

Install Helm

An easy way to install the External Secrets Operator (ESO) is using its Helm chart repository. To do this, you'll need to have Helm installed on your system.

To check if Helm is installed, run the following command:

Check Helm version
helm version

If you don't have Helm installed, follow the official Helm documentation to install it on your system.

For example, if you're using macOS, install Helm with Homebrew:

Install Helm on macOS
brew install helm

Install External Secrets Operator

Once Helm is installed, you can add the ESO chart repository with the following command:

Add ESO chart repository
helm repo add external-secrets
"external-secrets" has been added to your repositories

Install ESO in its own namespace. ESO runs as a deployment with elevated privileges and can create, read, and update secrets in all namespaces:

Install ESO in a new namespace
helm install external-secrets external-secrets/external-secrets \
-n external-secrets --create-namespace
NAME: external-secrets
LAST DEPLOYED: Sun Jun 30 14:08:39 2024
NAMESPACE: external-secrets
STATUS: deployed
external-secrets has been deployed successfully in namespace external-secrets!

To begin using ExternalSecrets, you will need to set up a SecretStore
or ClusterSecretStore resource (for example, by creating a 'vault' SecretStore).

More information on the different types of SecretStores and how to configure them
can be found in our Github:
Verify ESO deployments are running
kubectl get deployments -n external-secrets
NAME                               READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
external-secrets 1/1 1 1 20m
external-secrets-cert-controller 1/1 1 1 20m
external-secrets-webhook 1/1 1 1 20m

Integrate External Secrets Operator with Vault

SecretStore and ExternalSecret objects

You can use the ESO SecretStore object with a Webhook backend to request secrets from Vault APIs.

You can specify which secret(s) to request from Vault and how to save them as a Kubernetes secret using the ExternalSecret object.

SecretStore and ExternalSecret are scoped to a namespace.

The following explains how to use SecretStore and ExternalSecret to save one or more Vault secrets as a Kubernetes secret.

Create example namespace

To keep the resources created with this guide separate from other deployments, create a namespace in your Kubernetes cluster:

Create namespace
kubectl create namespace external-secrets-example
namespace/external-secrets-example created

To follow the code examples in this guide, set the example namespace as the default for all subsequent kubectl commands:

Update context
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace external-secrets-example
kubectl config view | grep namespace
    namespace: external-secrets-example

Save Vault token in Kubernetes secret

To authorize requests to Vault APIs, copy a Vault service token and save it in a Kubernetes secret:

Save Vault service token in Kubernetes secret
kubectl create secret generic pangea-vault-credentials \
--from-literal token=pts_gktfz4...v3pgws

You can verify that your secret was created and populated correctly:

List Kubernetes secrets
kubectl get secrets
NAME                       TYPE     DATA   AGE
pangea-vault-credentials Opaque 1 23m
Verify Vault APIs token secret
kubectl get secrets pangea-vault-credentials -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
token: cHRzX2...NwZ3dz
kind: Secret
name: pangea-vault-credentials
namespace: external-secrets-example
type: Opaque

Kubernetes secret values are base64-encoded. On Linux and macOS, you can use the base64 command-line utility to decode the values and display them in readable form:

Output and decode Kubernetes secret value
kubectl get secrets pangea-vault-credentials --template={{.data.token}} \
| base64 --decode

Save Vault secret in Kubernetes secret

The following example shows how to fetch a single Vault secret value and make it available as a Kubernetes secret.

Create SecretStore for Vault /v1/get APIs

You can use Vault's /v1/get API endpoint to fetch a single Vault item.

Define SecretStore for Vault /v1/get APIs (YAML)
kind: SecretStore
name: pangea-vault-get-secret-store
namespace: external-secrets-example
url: ""
method: POST
body: '{ "id": "{{ .remoteRef.key }}"}'
jsonPath: "$.result"
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: "Bearer {{ print .auth.token }}"
- name: auth
name: pangea-vault-credentials

This manifest instructs ESO to do the following:

  • Request a Vault secret by its ID, provided as a parameter by an ExternalSecret object (L9-11).
  • Authorize the request using a Vault service token saved in the pangea-vault-credentials Kubernetes secret (L16-20).
  • Return the result of the request back to the ExternalSecret object (L13).
Create SecretStore for Vault /v1/get APIs
kubectl apply -f ./pangea-vault-get-secret-store.yaml created

You can verify the addition of the new SecretStore by listing the existing SecretStore objects in the namespace:

List SecretStore objects
kubectl get
NAME                            AGE    STATUS   CAPABILITIES   READY
pangea-vault-get-secret-store 4h9m Valid ReadOnly True

Once the SecretStore is created, you can retrieve specific Vault secrets and save them as Kubernetes secrets.

Create Vault secret in Pangea User Console

Navigate to Vault's Secrets & Keys in the Pangea User Console. Add a secret and save it in my-app folder:

my-app folder on Vault's Secrets & Keys page in the Pangea User Console with a secret
Create a secret in a folder

Copy the new secret ID using the Copy button next to it. You will need this ID in the next step.

Create ExternalSecret for Vault secret

This ESO ExternalSecret will use the SecretStore created for Vault's /v1/get API. It will retrieve a single Vault secret from the SecretStore and save it as a Kubernetes secret.

Use your new secret ID copied from the Pangea User Console in the previous step for the key value on line 16 below.

Define ExternalSecret for a Vault secret (YAML)
kind: ExternalSecret
name: pangea-vault-get-external-secret
namespace: external-secrets-example
refreshInterval: "5m"
name: pangea-vault-get-secret-store
kind: SecretStore
name: pangea-vault-get-secret
- target: Data
literal: |-
{{ $result := .secret | fromJson }}
{{- $ -}}: "{{ $result.current_version.secret }}"
- secretKey: secret
key: pvi_k6zrjhvcncyy2mdeonq3kh3u3vvf3prv

This manifest instructs ESO to:

  • Specify a Vault secret by its ID (L22).
  • Pass the Vault ID to the pangea-vault-get-secret-store SecretStore (L8-10) as the .remoteRef.key parameter (L21-22).
  • Save the Vault secret returned from the SecretStore into pangea-vault-get-secret Kubernetes secret (L11-12).
  • Save the Vault secret name and value as a key/value pair in the data field of the pangea-vault-get-secret secret (L13-18).
  • Re-obtain the Vault secret every five minutes (L7).
Create Vault External Secret
kubectl apply -f ./pangea-vault-get-external-secret.yaml created

Verify ExternalSecret

Verify that your ExternalSecret is working correctly by checking its status:

Check ExternalSecret status
kubectl get
NAME                              STORE                           REFRESH INTERVAL   STATUS         READY
pangea-vault-get-external-secret pangea-vault-get-secret-store 5m SecretSynced True

If STATUS is not SecretSync or READY is not True, you are not saving Vault data in the Kubernetes secret. This might occur during setting up the ExternalSecret or due to changes you made in Vault.

For example, if the Vault item cannot be fetched or the SecretStore is not found, the STATUS field will show SecretSyncedError and the READY field will be populated with False:

...   STATUS              READY
... SecretSyncedError False

When you make changes in your ExternalSecret manifest, you can apply them with:

Update ExternalSecret
kubectl apply -f ./<external-secret-file-name>.yaml

However, to immediately verify changes made in the SecretStore or Vault, you might need to delete the ExternalSecret object and re-create it:

Delete and re-create ExternalSecret
kubectl delete \
<external-secret-name> \
&& kubectl apply -f ./<external-secret-file-name>.yaml

Verify Kubernetes secret created by ExternalSecret

List Kubernetes secrets
kubectl get secrets
NAME                           TYPE     DATA   AGE
pangea-vault-credentials Opaque 1 23m
pangea-vault-get-secret Opaque 1 33m
Output Vault secret value
kubectl get secrets pangea-vault-get-secret \
--template='{{index .data "my-app-secret"}}' \
| base64 --decode
my app secret value

To check if the secret value is being synced, select the secret on Vault's Secrets & Keys page in the Pangea User Console, click Rotate Now, and update the value:

Rotate a secret dialog in my-app folder on Vault's Secrets & Keys page in the Pangea User Console
Rotate a secret

After the period specified in the ExternalSecret's refreshInterval, the value of the Kubernetes secret should be updated:

Output Vault secret value
kubectl get secrets pangea-vault-get-secret \
--template='{{index .data "my-app-secret"}}' \
| base64 --decode
my app secret value updated

To expedite the update process, you can recreate the ExternalSecret.

Save multiple Vault secrets in Kubernetes secret

The following example shows how to fetch multiple Vault secrets and save them as key/value pairs in a Kubernetes secret.

Create SecretStore for Vault /v1/list APIs

You can use Vault's /v1/list API endpoint to fetch multiple Vault items that meet specific filter criteria.

In this guide, we will use a folder in Vault to group secrets.

Define SecretStore for Vault /v1/list APIs (YAML)
kind: SecretStore
name: pangea-vault-list-secret-store
namespace: external-secrets-example
url: ""
method: POST
body: '{ "filter": { "folder": "{{ .remoteRef.key }}" }, "include_secrets": true }'
jsonPath: "$.result"
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: "Bearer {{ print .auth.token }}"
- name: auth
name: pangea-vault-credentials

This manifest instructs ESO to do the following:

  • Request a list of Vault secrets located in a folder, specified as a parameter by an ExternalSecret (L9-11).
  • Authorize the request using a Vault service token saved in the pangea-vault-credentials Kubernetes secret (L16-20).
  • Return the entire result object from the /v1/list endpoint response (L13).
Create SecretStore for Vault /v1/list APIs
kubectl apply -f ./pangea-vault-list-secret-store.yaml created

You can verify that the new SecretStore was added by listing the existing SecretStore objects in the namespace:

List SecretStore objects
kubectl get
NAME                             AGE     STATUS   CAPABILITIES   READY
pangea-vault-get-secret-store 3h38m Valid ReadOnly True
pangea-vault-list-secret-store 2m26s Valid ReadOnly True

Once the SecretStore is created, you can use it to retrieve specific Vault secrets and save them as Kubernetes secrets.

Add secrets to Vault folder in Pangea User Console

Navigate to Vault's Secrets & Keys in the Pangea User Console. Save multiple secrets in the my-app folder. For example:

my-app folder on Vault's Secrets & Keys page in the Pangea User Console with a secret and a token
Add secrets to a Vault folder

Create ExternalSecret for multiple Vault items

A single ESO ExternalSecret can save multiple Vault secrets as key/value pairs in the data field of a Kubernetes secret.

Define ExternalSecret for a list of Vault items (YAML)
kind: ExternalSecret
name: pangea-vault-list-external-secret
namespace: external-secrets-example
refreshInterval: "5m"
name: pangea-vault-list-secret-store
kind: SecretStore
name: pangea-vault-list-secret
- target: Data
literal: |-
{{ $result := .secrets | fromJson }}
{{ range $result.items }}
{{- .name -}}: "{{ .current_version.secret }}"
{{ end }}
- secretKey: secrets
key: my-app

This manifest instructs ESO to do the following:

  • Specify a Vault folder to retrieve secrets from (L24).
  • Pass the folder name to the pangea-vault-list-secret-store SecretStore as the .remoteRef.key parameter (L8-10, L23-24).
  • Save Vault secret values returned from the SecretStore as key/value pairs in the data field of pangea-vault-list-secret Kubernetes secret (L11-20).
  • Re-obtain the Vault secret every five minutes (L7).

When a template is used to transform the external API data before it is stored in a Kubernetes secret, the secret key specified in the data field (L21-22) is not added to the Kubernetes secret.

Optionally, you can save the entire content received from the SecretStore under the specified key by changing the template MergePolicy as described in the ESO Advanced Templating documentation.

In this example, the data field in the Kubernetes secret is replaced with key/value pairs defined in the template (L18-20).

Create Vault External Secret
kubectl apply -f ./pangea-vault-list-external-secret.yaml created

Verify ExternalSecret

Check ExternalSecret status
kubectl get
NAME                                STORE                            REFRESH INTERVAL   STATUS         READY
pangea-vault-get-external-secret pangea-vault-get-secret-store 5m SecretSynced True
pangea-vault-list-external-secret pangea-vault-list-secret-store 5m SecretSynced True

If STATUS is not SecretSync or READY is not True, you are not saving Vault data in the Kubernetes secret. This might occur during setting up the ExternalSecret or due to changes you made in Vault.

For example, if the Vault item cannot be fetched or the SecretStore is not found, the STATUS field will show SecretSyncedError and the READY field will be populated with False:

...   STATUS              READY
... SecretSyncedError False

When you make changes in your ExternalSecret manifest, you can apply them with:

Update ExternalSecret
kubectl apply -f ./<external-secret-file-name>.yaml

However, to immediately verify changes made in the SecretStore or Vault, you might need to delete the ExternalSecret object and re-create it:

Delete and re-create ExternalSecret
kubectl delete \
<external-secret-name> \
&& kubectl apply -f ./<external-secret-file-name>.yaml

Verify Kubernetes secret created by ExternalSecret

List Kubernetes secrets
kubectl get secrets
NAME                            TYPE     DATA   AGE
pangea-vault-credentials Opaque 1 6h30m
pangea-vault-list-secret Opaque 3 9m47s
pangea-vault-get-secret Opaque 1 3h16m

You can use the following command to output the key/value pairs saved in the pangea-vault-list-secret data field. The command uses the base64 utility, which assumes you are running it on Linux or macOS:

Output Kubernetes secrets with values
kubectl get secrets pangea-vault-list-secret \
--template='{{range $k, $v := .data}}{{printf "%s: %s\n" $k (base64decode $v)}}{{end}}'
my-app-secret: my app secret value updated
my.third.secret: my third secret value
my_second_secret: my second secret value

Use Kubernetes secrets

Vault secrets imported with ESO can be injected in your deployments as environment variables or mounted as volumes, like any other Kubernetes Secrets . Follow the best practice for Safely Handling Secrets in Kubernetes Clusters when using them in your cluster.

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